A voracious reader , he was also a professional pet perambulator and Little Rock’s original slow talker; Lynn thought carefully before expressing his thoughts in his deep, rich baritone voice. Morgan Freeman had nothing on Lynn’s commanding voice when Lynn played the role of God at First United Methodist Church in Little Rock, handing out the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai for Vacation Bible School or in a dramatization of a teen’s dialogue with God while praying The Lord’s Prayer. As a lifelong member of First UMC, Lynn sang bass in the Chancel Choir and the Ensemble and led the Tuesday Morning Men’s Study Group. He also participated in the Koinonia Sunday School Class and in several Disciple Bible Study groups, served as a Confirmation mentor to several youth, and served on the search committee for the Director of Music and Worship Arts.
Born in Little Rock in 1942, Lynn attended Central and Hall High Schools, graduating from Hall in 1960. He attended Tulane University for three years and returned home to graduate from University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a degree in psychology.
Lynn’s professional career was as a communications engineer. He worked with Snyder Corporation, at KARK Channel 4, and at numerous local radio stations around Arkansas, including Fordyce, Monticello, and DeWitt. He is also credited with building the radio station in Dermott.
While working in Monticello in 1980, Lynn met the love of his life, Joy Horis Caudle. Joy tried to play matchmaker for Lynn, but fortunately for both, that did not work out. They married in 1990. Over the years they embodied extravagant hospitality, welcoming family and friends into their home for dinners and Sunday lunches as well as for extended stays. Lynn and Joy were enthusiastic travelers, enjoying trips to Italy, England, Scotland, and the Grand Canyon among many other destinations. They also enjoyed walking half marathons and participated in the Little Rock Marathon, the White River Marathon, St. Jude’s Marathon in Memphis, and the Inaugural Mississippi River Bridge Marathon in Greenville, Mississippi. Lynn PR'd at the Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He and Joy were grateful recovering members of Al-Anon family groups.
A loving son, Lynn was a caregiver for each of his parents, Alvin and Mayme Rockenbach, until they died. He was also a caring father figure to Joy’s sons William and Jonathan as well as a favorite “uncle” to many children in the neighborhood and in First United Methodist Church. He listened to them and supported them by going to countless musical and dance performances, plays, and ball games. Lynn also had a deep, abiding love for his pets Merri, Fergie and Minnie.
Lynn truly embodied the words of the prophet Micah in the Old Testament: “…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
Lynn was preceded in death by his parents, Mayme and Alvin Rockenbach. He is survived by his loving wife Joy Rockenbach and sons, William Caudle and his wife Bo of San Francisco, California and Jonathan Caudle of Little Rock. He is also survived by his sister-in-law Terri Watkins of Little Rock, as well as numerous friends who called him "Uncle Lynn".
A memorial service will be at First United Methodist Church, 723 Center St. in downtown Little Rock on November 4, at 11:00 a.m. with a reception immediately following. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to First United Methodist Church Little Rock (www.fumclr.org) or the World Service Organization for Al-Anon (www.al-anon.org/for-members/wso/).
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.griffinleggetthealeyroth.com for the Rockenbach family.