Beloved daughter, aunt, cousin and friend. Leaving behind her cherished Mother (Angela McPhail), Father (Jayson Goins), younger brother (Jacob Goins), older sister (Jordan Goins)and two nephews (Zayne and Zakari Simpson) that she treasured so dearly.
Kaleah was very outgoing. Always smiling and joking with everyone. Family was one of the most important things to her. Always caring for her mother and nephews. Her nephews(Zayne & Zakari) loved spending time with Kaleah, she was "the best Aunty in the world". She was very tough on the outside but just as soft as a teddy bear inside. Kaleah was caring and sensitive. She loved music, working, and spending time with her loved ones. Kaleah was recently promoted to a specialist at Office Depot warehouse where she had been employed for five years. A caterpillar that bloomed into a butterfly; her transformation had just begun. She loved a home cooked meal. If you were cooking, she was coming and taking a plate home “for later”. Her style brightened up the room every time she stepped in. Kaleah was always the life of the party. Many are heart broken. Her laugh will be missed and her name will forever bring joy to our hearts.