Robert Michael Wahl would tell you that his work here is done. He received a call from his Lord and maker and it was an offer he could not refuse. The offer was with a bonus, a reunion with family and friends who he has not seen in a long time and, even Russ and Dolly, his beloved canine companions. While he was here he was a numbers guy, he worked as a math instructor at UNLV and if you were his student you knew you could call him at any hour and he would help you figure out your problem! He also dealt poker at Sam's Town and Sunset Station for a living and met some interesting friends, some he kept forever, even beyond retirement. His real character trait was a kindness most others don't have; he would remember you and might give you the shirt off his back if you really needed it. He never forgot people and would make it his mission to feed them, get them to the doctor or just hangout. He loved a good meal and spent time analyzing it and enjoyed telling those that made it what a great job they had done; mostly because he was known for his special dishes like famous potatoes or stuffed mushrooms. He really loved people, especially "little people", for years his was the house to visit at Halloween, special bags were prepared for the children and he had to comment on each little treater who showed up at his door. Family was important and he enjoyed the holiday celebrations and games... teasing those who could laugh at themselves and encouraging those who might not be so great at them! Bob came from a family of four, his older sister Donna White and her husband Joe, who have three children Julie, John and Katie; his younger siblings Rick and his wife Debbie, who have two children Lisa and Patrick; and the youngest sister Terry Cassidy and her husband Robert, who have four children Gwendolyn, Sarah, Brian and Robert. Robert grew up in Rochester, New York with his parents John and Mary Wahl who live in the same house until they passed. He loved Las Vegas where he met his “favorite student” and later his wife, Cheryl Jean Wahl, the love of his life. They were married in 1983 and had five children…only they were 4-legged kids, Roody, Baby, Lucy, Roy and Tootie the cat. These animals were loved beyond belief! Robert Michael Wahl was born on August 20, 1950 and left this home on November 20, 2017 when God called him home.