Julie Rose Garrido Blas, age 64, of North Las Vegas, Nevada passed away on Tuesday, July 21, 2020. Julie was born July 2, 1956 in Tamuning, Guam to Francisco Salas Blas and Rosa Garrido Blas and was raised with her siblings Frank and Paris Blas, June and Joaquin Pangelinan, Helen and Steve Stadler
Dave and Christine Blas Benjamin and LiliBeth Blas John Paul and Maria Blas Ruth and Bill Craven.
Her Best Friends were Lolita Legaspi and Pamela Leon Guerrero
She Graduated at John F. Kennedy High School Class of 1975
Married in the state of Ohio in September of 1977 to Duane, David Pyka .
Married in the Beautiful Island of Guam to Manuel Flores April of 1997.
Jobs- Retired from the Federal Government and Government of Guam her last job held was here in Las Vegas as a Navigator for One Stop Career Center under AARP.
Julie preformed any job or task to the best of her abilities her frustrations was when her health limited the possibilities to grow in her profession despite her heath limitations she gave and made every effort to provide for her family without complaints. Julie was the type of person that would be sick and you would never notice it because of her joy to have fun and include everyone around her.
Julie found joy in reading romance novels, she loved going to the movies, out to restaurants and family gatherings.
Julie was devoted to the Catholic Faith with her daily devotion to the Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Julie had numerous Awards and Achievements through her Career but her greatness accomplishment would be her unconditional love that transferred to her family and friends.
A Message from your sister Helen Stadler August 02, 2020:
Just woke up thinking, "I can't believe my sister, Julie, is gone." Then I remembered Phil 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. So here are my intimate thoughts of my sisery....I love you forever Julie .
True - The truth is, sis, you are gone, but although you're not here you are with Jesus, The King, The Messiah, The Christ, The Cornerstone, Your and my Savior!
Noble - You have been transformed into a Holy Body, Spiritual and without blemish! Julie, you are among NOBILITY and in THE KINGDOM OF GOD! You are now placed above the angels because you are no longer in your lowly form on earth but in your heavenly body. You walk in THE GLORY OF GOD in THE KINGDOM where the streets are made of pure gold that you can see through it. Where the walls are made of gems that have the apostle's names on them, where the gates are made of one huge pearl, where The King talks to you forever! Nobility is everywhere you look and everywhere you go. Everyone you meet greets you with the greatest love they've ever known. You are radiating with this love that only comes from God.
Just - Julie, as you were greeted by our King, Jesus wrapped you with His glory and love. He knew you suffered here on earth but He also knew you would wake up and experience eternal life with Him. Because HE paid the ultimate price of death on The Cross your sins have been wiped away! You have been redeemed by The Blood of Jesus Christ!
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh,
4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Psalm 85:2 You have forgiven the iniquity of Your people;
You have covered all their sin. Selah
3 You have taken away all Your wrath;
You have turned from the fierceness of Your anger.
Julie, you are now an heir in God's Kingdom!
Psalm 8:16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,
17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.
Pure - Sis, here on earth there is nothing pure except our love. You have loved here on earth and those who felt it knew by your words, your actions, your concern, your smile, your voice. All these we have felt by you. But the love here on earth is not like the Love you are experiencing now. For everytime I feel love from this moment on, you are experiencing the PURIST LOVE never yet known to man until that day we can go home to our Lord Jesus and taste, see, and feel this GREAT LOVE you and mom have every second for all eternity. I love you, sis, and when you say, "I love you more" it is beyond my comprehension. Truly you are in the Pureness of Love!
Lovely - Julie, your laughter, your smile. I treasure the times I got to make you laugh and smile. The grapes, sitting in the backyard dededo, playing with you as a little kid, going around with you as a teenager, drinking coffee as an adult, praying and talking about God over the phone as a woman. These and more are the loving moments we shared, sis. Thank you.
Good Report - Julie, you have been an amazing woman! Brave when you went against all odds. Mom, said the doctors told them you would never walk when you were a baby. Then mom noticed you began to scoot your but and move your legs to get from one place to another. Then one day you stood up and began to walk! Mom had a big smile every time she told me this. Then the surgeries you overcame and the birth of your children which the doctors said you will never be able to have. Then you held 3 jobs at one time to make ends meet as you raised your kids always beside mom. Then you worked at the Attorney General even when you had to carry your oxygen. As your little sister, I never saw you as handicapped. I only saw your courage and how you accomplished the things you set out to get done. There are many wonderful things you have shown us, Julie, even if you weren't aware of it. God saw.
Virtue & Praiseworthy - Julie, you were a woman of power. For a small petite body, you definitely knew how to make it through no matter what came your way. You overcame many obstacles that anyone would walk away from. You were fearless and not afraid to ask until you had answers. We heard and saw everything you did and from it our hearts were touched by you. Thank you, sisery. I love you very very very much and yes...I hear your voice saying, "I love you more" and I can honestly say, "Yes, you do."
Julie is survived by her Children, grandchildren and great grandchild that reside in Las Vegas Nevada-
Jeremiah and Ruby Pyka (Nicolas and Amoretta Cruz Great Grandchild; Amelia Cruz, Isaiah Cruz, Moani Ke’ala Pyka, Jacob Joseph Pyka, Jeremiah James Pyka, Skyler Thompson and Myah Jane Pyka.)
Aleana and Jason Del Rosario (Jaleana and Gavin Anderson, Julian Lynn McIntosh, Jason Jamal McIntosh, Jazmin Alliah Mcintosh, Kaitlyn Jayde Del Rosario.)
Survived by her Siblings:
Frank and Paris Blas
June and Joaquin Pangelinan
Helen and Steve Stadler
Dave and Christine Blas
Benjamin and LiliBeth Blas
John Paul and Maria Blas
Ruth and Bill Craven
Survived by numerous Nieces, Nephews, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and In-Laws
Predeceased by Parents: Francisco Salas Blas and Rosa Garrido Blas
Thank You to all our Family and Friends near and far for their countless love and support during this difficult time.
Quote: Always Trust in the Lord