When someone is identified as a natural leader, certain images come to mind. First thoughts are of a no-nonsense, tough-minded, dedicated and disciplined person. This description accurately fits Doris Elaine Koenig who was indeed a born manager. She will be remembered as being highly organized, practical and realistic. She was a person who always carried a strong sense of duty with her throughout her life. Possessed with traditional “old school” morals, Doris was an individual who clearly communicated to those around her just who she was and what she was all about. Everyone acquainted with Doris knew her as a well-respected woman who was a stable force in her community.
Doris was born on December 17, 1926 at home in Keystone, Nebraska. Her parents were Thomas and Ruth Markussen, and they raised Doris in Ogallala, Nebraska. Even as a youngster, Doris learned to be objective and decisive. Her faith in the principles of authority and dependability was something that she carried with her throughout her life.
As a young girl, Doris was able to put her natural abilities to work. She was a bit like the sergeant of the family, helping to make sure that the others did what they should do and that they avoided those things they weren’t supposed to. In other words, she liked to organize and direct. Doris was raised with 10 siblings. She had seven brothers: Dale, Clifford, Clyde, Kenny, Floyd, Thomas, and Jack and three sisters: Elna, June, and Jean. Doris had an inborn appreciation for the order in the family, allowing for the oldest members to be the most respected and to take on the most responsibility. For Doris, this was a natural order of life, one she gladly embraced.
Doris' matter-of-fact attitude about most things was developed during her childhood. As a young girl, Doris enjoyed being part of teams, and organizations and groups of other kids who shared similar interests. In her spare time she liked horseback riding and participating in spelling bees. Doris' memorable achievements included winning the State Spelling Bee Championship in Omaha, Nebraska at age 12.
In school, Doris was as close to being a model student as one could possibly imagine. She sought to achieve perfect attendance in all of her classes. She would eagerly complete her homework, and often put in extra study time when she felt it was necessary. A logical and focused thinker, Doris was always good at following directions and meeting her schedules, whether they were set by her teachers or were self-imposed. Doris’s personal motto could well have been, “Do it right the first time.” She graduated from Ogallala High School in 1944.
Doris was sociable and approachable. Because she was always so straightforward in how she approached relationships, friends and family knew that what they saw was always what they got. She enjoyed the camaraderie of being with a group of friends. When Doris was a member of a group, her interaction worked to keep the others grounded. She wasn’t afraid to confront her friends and, when necessary, she challenged them to stick to the task at hand. Those close to Doris came to expect her high standards of performance. Later in life, she became friends with all her favorite bowling teammates and pool groupies.
An objective and conscientious individual, Doris reveled in the security of her family. On October 11, 1958 Doris exchanged wedding vows with Vernon Koenig at the Redeemer Lutheran Church of Denver, Colorado. One of Doris’s most endearing qualities was her uncanny ability to remember important dates and anniversaries, and her unending enthusiasm for organizing a celebration for her family and friends.
Doris was ever watchful of her children. She worried about them and was deeply concerned for their development as they grew up. She maintained a firm hand in their upbringing. Doris would give her stamp of approval to their requests, as long as she could see how they might benefit. She also had the ability to enforce the rules as needed to ensure that her children were properly raised. Doris was blessed with two children, two sons, Kendall and Michael. She was also blessed with three granddaughters: Tayler, Alyssa, and Ashley.
Being a hard worker who praised efficiency, Doris was always striving to make improvements where they were necessary. She was able to analyze situations and problems, keeping everything and everyone on track. An excellent project supervisor, Doris was a person who could quickly make decisions based on the information available. She worked cooperatively and expected the same from her colleagues. In both her personal and professional environments, Doris upheld her standards. Her primary occupation was as PBX receptionist. She was employed for 25 years at Denver Wood Products. Doris was a team player who certainly lived out the motto of “give me a job, and I will get it done.”
Doris approached her leisure time in the same manner that she approached her life. A person who enjoyed being neat and orderly and one who understood the nature of things, she appreciated the hours she was able to devote to her various hobbies. Her favorite pursuits were bowling, hanging out at the pool, and spending time with her grandchildren. Doris was content to enjoy her favorite pastimes alone but was also willing to share her interests with others.
Playing by the rules was a natural thing for Doris to do in life and that carried over to her enjoyment of sports. She also was something of a sports fan and enjoyed watching her favorite events whenever she got the opportunity. Tops on her list were football and baseball, especially the Broncos and the Rockies.
Faith was important to Doris. She held high moral standards and was worried about the moral decay she saw around her. For that reason she held deep spiritual beliefs that she was willing to share. She was a member at First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church for nine years. During that time, she was involved with weekly Bible study.
When it came time to travel or take a vacation, Doris used her scheduling expertise to make sure everyone and everything was ready to go. That also meant that she made certain no single person was overworked in putting the trip together. Doris had a knack for making sure that everyone who was involved had their specific tasks and that those tasks were completed. Favorite vacations included two trips to Maui.
Doris was a lover of animals and cherished her pets. Two of Doris’s favorites were Fifi and Sadie, both French Poodles. They were best friends for eight years.
When Doris’s retirement finally arrived in 1990, she was well prepared. She used her critical evaluation skills to make sure that every detail had been preplanned and attended to. Her new life involved retiring in Phoenix, Arizona; later moving to Denver, Colorado; and then finally settling in Las Vegas, Nevada. In retirement, she found new pleasure in staying active in church and morning pool gab sessions with the Stallion Mountain Groupies. In many ways, Doris loved retirement. It provided her with the opportunity to catch up with her friends, attend functions and group outings, and tackle new interesting activities.
Doris passed away on August 24, 2010 at Desert Springs Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada. Doris was diagnoses with Pancreatic Cancer, but passed due to a Pulmonary Embolism. She is survived by her husband, Vern; her son, Kendall Koenig; as well as three granddaughters: Alyssa, Ashley, and Tayler; her brother, Jack; and her three sisters: Elna, Jean, and June. Services were held at Stallion Mountain Clubhouse. Doris was laid to rest in Southern Nevada Veterans Cemetery in Boulder City, Nevada.
All who knew her would agree that Doris was a pillar of the community. She lived her life with her feet firmly on the ground. She had a strong work ethic, was pragmatic in her thoughts and acts, and constantly sought the means for self-improvement. She was willing to share her ideas and knowledge for the benefit of others, so that they could accomplish more in their lives. Doris Elaine Koenig did her best to ensure that her family, friends, loved ones, co-workers, and everyone whose life she touched was given the chance to become a better person.
Arrangements under the direction of Palm Green Valley Funeral Home, Las Vegas, NV.