Julia was a serious gamer, a pastime they pursued with an intensity that was matched only by their love of the Beatles. They enjoyed old movies as much as new ones and could discuss genres, directors, and cinematic techniques throughout film history. Although reading tended to trigger epileptic seizures, they had a deep love of literature and writing and reading poetry. Julia was philosophical, naturally curious, radically inclusive, kind, and a superb conversationalist.
Julia struggled daily with epilepsy and lived proudly as a trans person in a world that was not always kind to or accepting of them. Yet they lived with generosity and courage and found their people. They loved fiercely and were loved fiercely in return. We are deeply grateful to family members, friends, and roommates who saw and loved Julia for their authentic self. Julia's loving presence was a gift to those who would receive it.
Julia's death leaves a gaping hole in the hearts of their mother and stepfather, Connie and Rich Morrison, of Webberville, Michigan; father, Pablo Rojas, of East Lansing, Michigan; siblings Paul Rojas, of Monroe, Louisiana, Mixie (Meg) Morrison, of Webberville, and Eva Rojas and husband, both of California; grandparents, Charlotte Nunnally, of Atlanta, Georgia, Richard and Margaret Morrison of Stockbridge, Michigan; and step-grandmother Glenda Nunnally, of Mentone, Alabama. Julia is also survived by their chosen family, including their heart and joy, Fig, roommates Pidge, RB, and Willow, and friends John, Riley, and Pip, among many others, and by numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins across the country and in Mexico, Spain, and Venezuela.
Julia was preceded in death by their cousin, Athena Anemogiannis, and their grandparents Nelson Rudolph Nunnally and Pablo and Lourdes Rojas.
Anyone moved to remember Julia with a memorial donation might consider a contribution to the Salus Center (https://www.saluscenter.org), which serves Lansing’s LGBTQIA+ communities or the Eleos Foundation (https://www.eleos-foundation.org/), which provides hygiene products to people experiencing homelessness or the Trans-ilience Team (https://www.trans-ilience.com/). All were dear to them.
A memorial will be held at a later date.