On Sunday, January 24, 2021 God's servant went home to be with Him. Rev. G. Travis Downs was a faithful servant of the Lord. He was a loving father, husband, grandpa, friend and mentor. While we mourn our loss, we know he is at peace. His wisdom, guidance, and wicked humor will be missed but not forgotten. The ripples of his faith will be felt for a long time and across the world. He faithfully served as pastor for over 35 years in churches across our nation. He was loved and cherished by his congregations. He is remembered for his loving counseling, impactful messages, and ‘yo-yo’ sermons. He was also a teacher and mentor for numerous students of faith, many of whom are now pastors. His children and grandchildren were all baptized by him, and he presided over one son’s wedding. He and his wife shared a deep love for God and passion for learning what the Word of God has to say to us. There is not a person he knew that did not know his love for Christ. He knew what was important in life--having a close relationship with God, walking through life with Jesus—and he encouraged others in their own walk with God. He will always be with us via the impact he had on each and every person he met in this world. His wife and family miss him dearly but keep his love, humor, counseling, and faithful teachings with them always. Our hearts are at peace knowing he is with Jesus, his Savior.
A coronation service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 501 E. Saginaw, Lansing, MI on Friday, February 5th at 2pm. To encourage social distancing, visitation will occur in two brief, separate periods before and after the coronation service. Pre-service visitation will begin at 1:30pm. Services will be recorded and posted on YouTube shortly afterward.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Trinity Lutheran Church, Answers in Genesis (Ark Encounter), or the Friendship House of MSU.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 501 W. Saginaw, Lansing MI 48933 http://www.trinitylutheranlansing.org/
Answers in Genesis, Ark Encounter https://answersingenesis.org/donate/
Friendship House, 929 Sever Drive, East Lansing, MI 48823 https://friendshiphousemsu.global/
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing. (2 Tim 4:7-8, NIV)
“Been there, done that, on to better things!” ~ Rev. G. Travis Downs