Ms. Josephine Simmons was born on the 15th day of March in the year 1979, the second child born to Michael W Simmons and Elizabeth Spells Simmons in Dickinson Texas. Josephine fondly known of as "Josie" was educated in the Clear Creek and Dickinson School Districts. She was a graduate of the Dickinson High School Class of 1997 and went on to attend Prarie View A&M University in pursute of a degree in nursing. Josie was baptized at the age of 5 after successfully making it up to altar call during a moment of distraction from her mother who normally caught her the previous 3 years to prevent her from joining church (because Mom explained that she had to be a baptized to partake of the crackers and juice that everyone would receive on 1st Sunday) and if nothing else, she was determined to eat and drink! Once she made her way up there and was asked why she came, her answer confirmed that it was time. With tear filled eyes our baby girl said "I believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He died so I could be saved and I want to be baptized!!"..... Mommy heard absolutely nothing after that... Josephine worked out her soul salvation in the Mount Olive Baptist Church of Dickinson Tx under the leadership of Rev. James A. Kennedy as a member of the Starlight Band, Youth Choir, MOBC drill team and many other ways as a SERVANT to her Lord and Savior. In the past four years of her life she has been a member of Greater Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church of League City Tx under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Milton Guillory where she was an active member of the youth and santuary choirs as long as her health permitted. The Lord came and excorted Josie from labor to reward on Friday, Febuary 5th 2016. She was preceded in death by two little angels that she miscarried. Left to rejoice and praise the Lord for her precious moments in life are: her children, daughter, Elizabeth JayShaunea Copper; sons, Curtis Jerone Lynn Jr and Ja'Ray Nealy; her parents, Michael and Elizabeth Simmons; brother, Terrence Shane Simmons; her fiance, Delvin "Pig" Archie and his daughter Zaria Archie; her Godfather, Gregory Jenkins; God sisters Chasity Lawson, Martika Rivels, Brittany Jenkins and Ashley Williams; two very special cousins, LaKyisha Small and Michele Spells who were more like sisters and the "TRIO" were known by many as "LOVE, PEACE & JOY". Along with a multitude of aunts, uncles,cousins and friends.