Edward “Ed” Victor Paige was born August 5, 1922 in La Porte, Indiana. His mother passed away when he was 4 and In 1927 at the age of 5, Ed moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He spent one year with relatives and then lived in an orphanage. In Milwaukee, he attended a Boys Technical High School. At the age of 19 he worked in the CCC- Civilian Conservation Corp where they were involved in building many of the states parks in Northern Wisconsin. In 1942, at the age of 20, Ed entered the Army. He was in the 103 Infantry Division and served in Germany. In 1945, he was shot in the face and hospitalized in London. After the recovery, the war was over but Ed stayed in Germany. He was stationed with the Office of Military Government in Berlin. In 1947, Ed returned to Milwaukee where he worked at the family grocery store. He took classes in vocational training and Arthur Murray dance classes. It was in going to dances where Ed met his future wife, Florence Wentland. On May 12, 1948 Ed and Florence married. They had three sons: Twin boys, Dennis and Robert in 1950 and Thomas in 1956. They built a beautiful home in the suburbs of Milwaukee and raised their three sons. In 1962, Ed and Florence moved to Phoenix, Arizona to improve Florence’s health. In 1963, they moved back to Milwaukee to sell their home, but stayed for another 16 years. From 1963 to 1979, Ed and Florence went to work at Oilgear and Falk Corporation and continued to take care of family. They also attended as many church and social dances as they could. In 1979, when their sons had grown and were on their own, they moved back to Southwest renting a home from Florence’s cousin Irene and her husband in Yuma, AZ. In 1980 they moved to La Mesa, CA because California had better medical care for Florence. Ed joined the Elks club and they continued to go to dances. From 1985 to 2002, Ed and Florence lived in El Cajon, CA in a home overlooking the Cottonwood Golf course. He joined Santa Sophia church, volunteered as an usher, and joined the Knights of Columbus. Ed and Florence attended church dances and met a lot of new friends. In 1998, Ed and Florence celebrated 50 years of marriage with dinner and dancing. In 2000, Florence passed away. Ed had previously met Patricia Harris because her husband helped usher at Santa Sophia Church and attended many dances. Patricia’s husband passed away in 2001. And in 2002, Ed and Patricia married. He moved into Patricia’s home in Spring Valley .They spent their days taking care of the roses and their garden, spending time with the children and extended family, taking site seeing trips, and of course dancing! Ed will be missed by so many. Now is the time to forget the tears and just remember the smiles. In lieu of flowers please make a check out to: Outreach for Nazareth Orphanage c/o Knights of Columbus Valle de Oro Council 9332. 9800 San Juan Street, Spring Valley, CA 91977. To donate online through Paypal please use the following link: http://kofc9332valledeoro.weebly.com/