Joshua Zuniga Sr.Father
Amanda ZunigaMother
Kailynn GuzmanSister
Aubrey ZunigaSister
Justyne ZunigaSister
Inocencio & Carmen HernandezGrandparents
Jesse & Norma ZunigaGrandparents
Estella AgueroGreat Grandmother
Jesus Zuniga SrGreat Grandfather
Fabian Zuniga (Lashelle)Uncle
Mathew ZunigaUncle
Leeroy Hernandez (Sally)Uncle
Christopher HernandezUncle
Joshua also leaves behind Cousins- Orlando, Adam, Camila Zuniga, Cruz, Galilea, and Lazaro Hernandez. Joshua has preceded in Death by Sotero & Lazara Rosenbaum, Inocencio & Irene Hernandez , Juan Aguero, Esperanza Zuniga, Orlando Aguero , Armando Hernandez, and Alfonso Maldonado.