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Judy ChildressWife

David and Beth ChildressSon and Daughter-in-law

Tim and Valerie ChildressSon and Daughter-in-law

Brian and Karin ChildressSon and Daughter-in-law

Kim and Jeff WeaverDaughter and Son-in-Law

Chris ChildressSon

Scott ChildressSon (deceased)

Ulyss and Carris Lou ChildressParents (deceased)

Bobbie MillsSister (deceased)

David was Loved and adored by his grandchildren and great-grandchildren: Tarah and Rob (Butler and Harris), Chelsey and Tyler (Brooks and Cross), Tyler and Mindy (Brody, Brock and Blaze), Karly and Cameron (Colston), Jory, Blake and Jessica (Tripp and Baylor), Dawson, Jeffrey and Sarena (Caleb andKaylee), Kensie (Teagan), Derek, Nicholas, Ashley and Trevor (Ryker and Veda) and Mikel and Breanna (Faith and Melody). Two more great grandchildren will arrive in the spring. Wonderful in-laws include Brenda Smith, June Woods, Jack and Delores Weaver and many nieces and nephews.

Past Services

Sunday,May 02, 2021


Sunday,May 02, 2021

Celebration of Life