Earl and Bertie MondayParents (deceased)

Beverly MondaySister (deceased)

Scott MondayBrother (deceased)

Sandy MondayWife

Kay (Steve) McCartyDaughter and Son-in-Law

Wendy (Andy) HugginsDaughter and Son-in-Law

Kim Jerome (Tony)Daughter

Sherrie LoweDaughter

Rachael NucholsDaughter

Bryon (Kelly) MondaySon and Daughter-in-law

Christi (Kenny) JonesGranddaughter

Michelle (Shawn) StutzGranddaughter

Lori (Jeremy) HoltGranddaughter

Dustin (Sara) StrattonGrandson

Christopher and Bradley MondayGrandsons

Tommy HugginsGrandson

Jennifer (Clint) CaseyGranddaughter

Joshua ReaganGrandson

Savannah ReaganGranddaughter

Emily ReaganGranddaughter

Ani MondayGranddaughter

Charles is survived by a host of great-grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and sister, Shirley Williams.


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