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Lisa Miller and Mike UlrichDaughter

Stacy MillerDaughter-in-law

Dani Miller and Anthony PisanoGranddaughter

Wayne Miller and wife AnnBrother

several nieces and nephewsFamily

Debra Flanary, Neressa Priskorn and Rob ClemonsSpecial caregivers

Susie and George MillerParents- Deceased

Laura MillerWife- Deceased

Jerry MillerSon- Deceased


Steve Candler

Steve Holt

Scott Barnett

Kris Gyori

Rick Starnes

David Cheek

Bob Coger, Jr.

Jericho Marching PatrolHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Friday,June 21, 2019


Friday,June 21, 2019

Funeral Service

Saturday,June 22, 2019

Graveside Service