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Joanne Azevedo and husband, AlDaughter

Carol Johnson-Goulet and husband, George GouletDaughter

Patty Haversat and husband, EricDaughter

Dr. Carl Johnson and wife, JoanneSon

Arthur Johnson and wife, DonnaSon

Jennifer Bobbin and husband, JaredGranddaughter

Ryan Johnson (Alexandra Marella)Grandson

Jacob HaversatGrandson

Jocelyn HaversatGranddaughter

Philip Goulet (Ashton Gatley)Grandson

Gregory GouletGrandson

Bryce JohnsonGrandson

Harper BobbinGreat Granddaughter

Ralph Amidon and wife, PeggyBrother

Norman AmidonBrother

Carl A. JohnsonHusband (deceased)

Thelma BoucherSister (deceased)

Elvira (Lawrence) AmidonMother (deceased)

Maurice AmidonFather (deceased)

Margaret is also survived by several nieces and nephews.


Town of Chesterfield New Annex Kitchen Supplies557 Route 63, Chesterfield, New Hampshire 03443

Past Services

Friday,April 05, 2019

Visitation and Celebration of Life

Saturday,April 06, 2019

Funeral Service