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Irene RazniakWife

Walenty & Adela RazniakParents (deceased)

Christine Hueske (Derek)Daughter and son-in-law

Kathyrne Harper RazniakDaughter

Mark RazniakSon (deceased)

Ethan HarperGrandson

Jessica Harper (Leon Schadlich)Granddaughter and husband

Sabina OlsonSister

Barbara Mendala (Henry)Sister and brother-in-law

Mary MathesonSister (deceased)

Multiple nieces, nephews, grandnieces, and grandnephews, whom he adored.


Derek Hueske

Ethan Harper

Leon Schadlich

Daniel Mendala

Roy Bilyk

Jerry GrzesiakHonorary Pallbearer

Henry MendalaHonorary Pallbearer


American Stroke Association 6405 Metcalf Ave, Overland Park, Kansas 66202

Past Services

Friday,June 23, 2023

Rosary Prayers

Friday,June 23, 2023


Friday,June 23, 2023

Mass of Christian Burial

Friday,June 23, 2023

Committal Service