Laura graduated from New York’s Finch College and pursued a distinguished career in journalism at The Kansas City Star. Over the course of her career she covered women’s news and served as Travel Editor. Asked to transition to Society Editor she agreed only if she was permitted to define “society.”
Laura was known for her dry humor which never failed her…even in her last days.
She loved The Kansas City Star and her colleagues there. One of her early roles dealt with “women’s issues,” which in those days concerned such things as cooking. This led to many misadventures since Laura did not cook. One notable “success” was making her famous Bourbon Balls at Christmastime—a complicated process that involved placing lots of packages of cookies carefully in trash bags and running over them with her car to provide cookie crumbs. She then added a bit more bourbon than the recipe called for, but the results seemed appealing—at least in the newsroom.
In addition to her colleagues at the paper, she was devoted to her nieces Wendy Burcham and Laura Hall and their husbands, Grant and Dave. She took pride in each one of her nine grandnieces and grandnephews
Laura was an integral part of an accomplished group of women that became close friends over a period of many years. They referred to themselves as “The Tribe” and they were constantly engaged in good works, good conversation, good cuisine and an occasional sip of wine.
Laura is survived by her cousin, Irv Hockaday and his wife Ellen, Wendy and Grant Burcham, Laura and Dave Hall; grandnieces and grandnephews: Christopher and Danielle Burcham, Annie Burcham, Michael Burcham, Emily Burcham, Matthew Burcham, Rebecca Hall, Allison Hall, Katie Hall, Julia Hall; aunt Joanne S. Gould (Pittsburgh, PA); cousins: Rodney S. Gould, Jr. (San Francisco, CA), Anne B. Gould (Pittsburgh, PA) and Courtland P. Gould (Pittsburgh, PA); and countless friends who will remember her with love and admiration.
Contributions may be made to: Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey, Saint Luke’s Hospital where she received attentive and caring support or a charity of your choice.
Funeral services and burial will be private. A celebration will be held at a later date to recognize her life and contributions.