I was born on April 10th in the early 1930s to my parents, Jerry Monroe and Mary Zatta Taylor. We started out in a rural area in Camden, Mississippi. Four boys were born: Leon Calvin Taylor, Walter Lee Taylor, Will Coleman Taylor and Charles Hercules Taylor. Three girls were added to the family: Annie Bell (Taylor) Scott, Mary Lou (Taylor) Knott and Beatrice Loretta (Taylor) Galloway. Barbara Jean (Thompson) Earl came to live with us at five years of age giving us a family of three sisters, four brothers, and our sister cousin.
We grew up on a farm where we found lots of love, chores, laughter, and learning. We attended school at Pine Bluff Elementary and instruction at Camden Street High School where I received my high school diploma. I received my bachelor’s degree at Jackson State University and later received my master’s degree in teaching in Kansas City, Missouri.
When I moved to Kansas City, I worked as a Licensed Practical Nurse and did substitute teaching during the day. The following year, I entered the teaching profession full time. I served as supervisor of staff when the principal was absent. I taught kindergarten and served as the 7th and 8th grade Language Arts teacher. I retired after thirty-five years of service to the Kansas City School District.
I was saved at the age of sixteen during a camp meeting revival service at Farmhaven Church of God in Farmhaven, Mississippi. I continued my Christian learning experiences in my Sunday school, where I would lead if we did not have a teacher. I grew up participating in all affordable youth activities. As an adult, I attended 23rd & Woodland Church of God and we later moved to become The Wabash Avenue Church of God in Kansas City. During my time there, I served as State Stewardship Director for the Missionary Society, Secretary for the choir, singer in the choir, member of the advisory board, a Sunday school teacher, Assistant Supervisor Deacon, Director of an after-school tutoring program, assistant for the summer food program, and coordinator for the church pantry. Several years later we moved and became known as The Bethel Family Worship Center. I continued to serve where I was needed.
I was married to my husband, Vernell R. Scott, for 59 years. Together we had three sons: Vernon Andrew Scott, Roderick Leon Scott, and Gary Louis Scott. We had three granddaughters: Chenille Boyd, Demika Scott, and Demetria Scott. We were blessed with several great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. We were fortunate to have a great church family, host of relatives and friends that we have loved and cherished throughout the years. Thank You!
I believe I have touched my children and many lives during my years of service. I hope you have been inspired to live a saved, surrendered life to Jesus Christ Our Lord. Always live for Jesus because he loved us and gave his life for us. I want you to share the little booklet I wrote for the family with the grandchildren and great grandchildren. Tell them to pick a nugget that can be applied to their life and live by it. They will be blessed.