Jean M. Navarro, Age 89, passed away peacefully on November 30, 2017 at The Terrace of Jacksonville and under the care of Haven Hospice. Jean Meryl Johnson was born April 12, 1928 in Boonton, New Jersey to the renowned scratch board artist W Parke Johnson I and Blanche Magdela Johnson. Jean lived and raised her family in Marshfield, MA., and moved to Jacksonville, FL. in 1999 following one of her sons. Jean was active in many ways through out her life. Her high school yearbook speaks to the way she lived and the characteristics she imbued on her three sons, whom she affectionately referred to as Moe, Larry and Curly: “Blonde, blue-eyed Jean is a savory recipe for a typical American girl. Whether it’s photography, sports, or school-work, Jeanie’s versatility enables her to do well in all, and in the future, when we think of a sincere, winsome smile and an unassuming manner, --- we’ll remember our little Jeanie”. Jean obtained her pilots license, cruised across the Atlantic and went to Katherine Gibbs Secretarial School and joined the New England Telephone Company. She took up skiing, taking lessons from the coach of the racing team. She said she never learned to race, but in 1958 married the coach. Jean worked at Marshfield High School Cafeteria for many years and had great times at the Ming Dynasty with the other “cafeteria ladies” with whom she had a lasting friendship. Jean was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Dr. William Parke Johnson II and her husband of 50 years, Anthony P. Navarro. She is survived by three children: Peter (Nuria), William (Barbara), and Christopher (Sue); Seven grandchildren: Nicole, Allison, Michael, Glenn, Stephanie, Christian, and Anthony; and her nephew W. Parke Johnson III, niece Sally Richmond, and numerous grandnieces and nephews. Jean is to be interred next to her husband at Greenlawn Cemetery in Jacksonville and with the ashes of her pug, Peekalo. Donations in her memory can be made to Haven Hospice.