Born January 9, 1944 to Carlton and Maureen Paul In Jacksonville, FL while Mr. Paul was serving in the U.S. Navy aboard ship in the Pacific during WWII. It was many months before he would see his daughter. Jan grew up in Jacksonville, Tavares and finally in her high school and college years in Keystone Heights, Florida, while also attending Arkansas State College. Jan's career was mostly in K-12 education and entered the school system beginning in Bradford County, FL moving later to Duval County where she met and married her husband of 50 years in 1970, then a USMC Sgt., and finishing her career in St. Johns County. She was a loving wife, mother and friend who volunteered with many youth organizations including Children's Home Society of Jacksonville, 4-H, Scouts and Hastings Friends of the Library. She was an avid reader and loved mysteries, politics and history, particularly British history. She loved chaperoning high school trips, particularly to the British Isles. She loved her horses of which she had several since her early teen years and owned and rode one until a few months before her death.
She was preceded in death by her parents Carlton and Maureen Paul.
She is survived by her loving family, husband George Stanley Owens, Jr., son Luke Housand Owens, daughter Amy Maureen Harris (Trey), grandson Thomas Burrell Harris and brother Rodney Carlton Paul (Vi).
In lieu of flowers the family wishes memorials to be sent to Haven Hospice of Orange Park , 741 Blanding Blvd, Orange Park FL 32065.
A celebration of her life and memorial service will be held at 10 AM, Saturday, February 8, 2020 at Trinity Episcopal Church, 204 State Road 26, Melrose, FL 32666
Cremation arrangements were made by Neptune Society Cremation Services with remains to be at a future date interned with husband in the Georgia National Cemetery, Canton, Georgia