John Harvey Smalls, the son of the late Roosevelt Smalls, Sr. and the late Florence Grant Smalls Simpson, was born on July 9, 1942, in Walterboro, South Carolina. He was reared in Walterboro by his grandparents, the late Neptune and Laura Grant.
His early Christian training was at St. Peters A.M.E. Church in Walterboro. He attended Colleton Training School and was a 1959 graduate of Colleton High School in Walterboro.
After graduating from high school, he spent a short while with family members in Trenton, New Jersey and in Chicago Heights, Illinois before moving to Indianapolis. He was drafted in the U.S. Army and served in both the United States and Germany for two years before being honorably discharged. During his service he received the rank of E-5 and obtained medals for marksmanship and good conduct.
Rev. Smalls obtained an Associate's degree in accounting from Indiana Business College and an associate's degree from Simmons Theological Seminary School.
He was employed as a Parcelman with United Parcel Service for 31 years. He retired in 1996 with a flawless driving record. After retirement he became the Chaplain for Westview Hospital.
Rev. Smalls was an avid follower of Christ and was affiliated with many churches in his lifetime. He was ordained as an Elder at Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ where he served as an interim pastor at several locations throughout Indiana. At the time of his passing, Rev. Smalls was a member of First Baptist Church of Bridgeport. Rev. Smalls served as an Assistant Pastor at Westwood Baptist Church and Christian Unity Missionary Baptist Church where he led the operations of the Food Pantry Ministry.
Rev. Smalls was involved in many activities including being the President of the Baptist Minister Foresight Alliance of Indianapolis and Vicinity. He taught bible study at Crestwood Village West Nursing Home. He was a member of the Hendricks County Democrats, and the UPS Retiree Breakfast Bunch.
Rev. Smalls was preceded in death by siblings, Roosevelt Smalls, Jr., Ercel Roberts, Claude Simpson, Jr., and Alberta Walker; his oldest son, Leander Smalls; grandchildren, Samantha Smalls, Anthony Smalls & Johnathan Smalls.
He is survived by his wife, Zelma "Nita" Smalls; children Lisa Allen, Lavern Smalls (Debbie), John A. Smalls (Paula), Lori Smalls (Chris), Amanda McSwine; grandchildren, Alyssa Smith, Vincent Smith, Charlie Stubbs, Lavern Smalls, Juan Stubbs Jr., LaChrysta Fowler, Jayla Smalls, and Lauryn Fowler; siblings, Gloria Jean Robinson (Rev. Evon, Sr.), Melissa Renee Weeks, Shirley Simpson, Vicki Allen, Harriett Tucker (James), and Kevin Simpson (Rewa); several great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives, friends, and church family.
John enjoyed socializing, building relationships, and encouraging people to excel. He was the unofficial mayor of his neighborhood. It was often said that John had the ability to learn someone's entire life story with just a 5-minute conversation, and his first question was ALWAYS "where do you attend church." He was a true evangelist, and never shy about leading someone to Christ.
Above all, John loved his family. He especially loved to spend time with his grandchildren. He cherished every moment with Nita, his beloved wife of over 25 years. He would tell anyone he could about what a blessing she was to his life. Through it all, Nita was always by John's side to love and encourage him.
Rev. John Harvey Smalls was unapologetically who he was.