How do you sum up someone who meant so much to you in a mere handful of words? How do you put pen to paper and express how much their influence, love, and support shaped the course of your life? Maybe it’s just by talking in general. A jumble of thoughts and emotion that spill out and somehow a coherent thought forms and maybe, just by chance, talking about all things we loved about him will make it easier to process his loss.
Chuck was a quiet man. A man of few words. He was strong, slightly stubborn, and very humble. Never one to be prideful or arrogant. He was the first to be there in a moments notice to help with anything. At the drop of a hat, he’d grab his keys, get in his truck and be there. Not many people are that dependable in todays world of hustle and bustle. Chuck was forever a frugal penny pincher with a profound love for a home cooked meal, all manner of junk food, and a sweet tooth for anything strawberry. He was strictly a meat and potatoes kind of guy, no fluff. You didn’t dare serve that man pasta. There are many fond memories of him standing in the driveaway or leaning against his truck and catching up with whoever happened to stop by. Him sitting on the porch and watching the neighborhood or just enjoying the evening. The love that shown in his eyes while holding those sweet great grandbabies of his.
Charles ‘Chuck’ Ault’s legacy lives on with his wife of 56 years and his two sons, Timothy and Thomas. Grandpa to Josh, Cameron, Kyle Ault, and Katie O’Reilly. He relished his role as ‘Papa’ to Tenley, Carson, and Makenna Ault, Morgan, Elliot, and Oliver O’Reilly, and Aiden Ault and hopes that he imparted at least one of them to be as tight with money as he was. Being ‘Papa’ took on a whole new meaning while enjoying his retirement from Ford after 46 years of loyal employment.
The grief comes in waves, as all loss does. While it may be hard to accept his loss, we will cherish the time we had with him and the memories that were created. He was so much more than simple words can ever convey. When we start to feel a little down, turn on some John Wayne, speak lovingly of Chuck and of the many stories that we cherish of him. While it may be hard, stories are how we will keep him alive in our hearts. Think of this wonderful man with all his splendor and remember that we are all better for knowing him and his strengths.