Maria Guadalupe Mejia, 80, of Hughson, California, passed away at her home surrounded by her family on Saturday, July 21, 2012. She was born in Mexico. She was a Hughson resident for the past 47 years. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Pascual Mejia. Her children, Ofelia Mejia of Hughson, Olga Valdivia of Waterford, Eleazar Mejia of Modesto, Lino Mejia of Sandy Valley Nevada, and Olivia Perez of Las Vegas. She is also survived by 8 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. She is also survived by her siblings, Juana Rios, Hortencia Rios and Margarita Rios of Mexico and Eusebia Rios and Rafael Rios of Las Vegas. She is preceded in death by her parents Rafael Rios and Rita Landeros of Mexico and daughter Obdulia Mejia. She is also preceded in death her siblings, Tomas Rios, Panfilo Rios, and Luis Rios, Eulalia Rios, and Dolores Rios of Mexico and Antonia Rios of Los Angeles. Lakewood Funeral Home in Hughson will be in charge of funeral services with a visitation 4:00-8:00pm Wednesday, July 25, 2012, Rosary at 7:00 pm. Mass will be offered at Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church, 7820 Fox Rd., Hughson, CA on Thursday, July 26, at 11:00am. Burial will follow at Lakewood Memorial Park in Hughson, 900 Santa Fe Ave.
By Ofelia Mejia
My mom Maria Guadalupe Mejia was born in Benito Juarez, Jerez Zacatecas on April 11, 1932. She was one month old when the family moved to "Cerro Prieto" now known as "Colonia Felipe Angeles, Villanueva Zacatecas". She used to tell me that her uncle Juan Landeros carried her in his arms while riding a donkey on the way to their new home. She attended school up to fourth grade. Fourth grade was the highest grade they were able to attend in their own town. Mom attended twice fourth grade by her own choice. She used to like school a lot. My father remembers that one time she was congratulated by the way she kept her notebooks. She was set as an example for other children. She was a very neat student. One day, my mom did not wanted to attend school any more. The teacher asked my grandfather, how come Lupita was not attending school. He then asked my mom. My mom replied that she already knew more that the teacher knew. The teacher then sent her a list of very difficult questions which my mom was not able to answer. My mom threw those questions away and never when back to school again.
My mom was an outdoors person. She spent her childhood playing baseball. She used to ride horses. She milked the cows. She spent her teenage years helping her father Rafael Rios farming his land. They used to grow maize and beans. My mom always took pride of the job she used to do when she was with her father. She used to plow the land with a yoke of oxen. She was a very strong young lady. My uncle Tomas once told me that when ever they needed help with the labor, whey would hire young men to do the job but as soon as they saw my mom working with the plow and yoke of oxen they were embarrassed and quit their job. My uncle would asked them why were they quitting. They always said that they were embarrassed because the young lady was a better worker than them.
My mother married my father Pascual Mejia on February 5, 1951. That day was their civil ceremony. On March 28, 1951, they had their wedding at the eyes of God. I was born the following year. She gave birth to six children. Ofelia, Olga, Lino, Olivia, Eleazar and Obdulia. Eleazar and Obdulia are twins. They were one month old when they got bronchitis. Obdulia passed away. The doctor had said that both of them would die. We waited for Eleazar to pass away. At the end of the day Eleazar was still alive. Eleazar was a strong little fellow. I remember praying for his health. My father took him to a different doctor. He gave him oxygen. And soon as little Eleazar breathe from the oxygen tank his little ears perked up. He survived.
My father made a living by growing crops. Those were difficult times for him. Supporting a family of five plus him and mom was not easy. In those days USA used to contract "braceros" Mexican arms to help with the crops in the San Joaquin Valley. My father used to come to the USA as a bracero every time they would allow him to come. My mom would stay home to take care of the family. She was a very courageous lady. She would take the place of mom and dad during those days. She always took pride of her family. We were always neat and clean. She would feed us all the time. She was our servant. I know see back and realize how great full I should be to have had her as my mom. She was an unselfish person. She never thought of herself. She always put others before herself. She was a great person.
In May of 1962, my father immigrated to the USA. Then in August of 1965, he immigrated the whole family. We came to live in Hughson. My mom loved Hughson from the beginning. In Hughson she started another chapter of her life. As soon as she came to Hughson, she learned how to drive. She got her driver's license. Later on when we all decided to become a naturalized citizens, she was the first one to learn the questionnaire. She was very enthusiastic person. She was also funny. I remember our first Thanksgiving in the USA. We received a basket full of goodies. Including a frozen turkey. We had never seen a frozen turkey before and she did not know what to do. So, she told all of us to get into our 1956 Ford. She then told father to drive us to the canal on Hatch Rd. When we got there, she jumped out of the car and toss the turkey into the canal. It was November and the canal had no water. The frozen turkey made a loud noise when it hit the bottom of the canal. She would always laugh every time we used to remind her of what she did. At seventy, she was riding her tricycle all the way Whitmore Avenue with all kinds of traffic following her. She enjoyed going to Hughson Festival every year. She made several trips during the day. In one occasion, she started dancing at a vendor’s stand and people circled around her. Another time we went to the Heart Walk. There was a group of Country Musicians playing the violins and guitars. She was walking ahead of me. By the time I reached her, she was dancing in front of the musicians. People was clapping and her face was beaming. She was radiant. Mom was very happy. My mom worked in the fields. It was a very hard work. But she always said that she liked to work in the outdoors better than to do the house work. We always enjoyed working with her in the fields or helping her with the house work. She worked for Pevehouse Nursery for 33 years. She was a loyal and conscious worker. She was always helping every one.
My mom Lupita, was a very joyful person. She and my father would go out to parties, weddings , quinceaneras, baptisms and where ever they were invited by their friends. They would dance all night. My mom liked corridos, rancheras, cumbias, etc. She liked La Tambora, La Banda, El Mariachi. She also liked all gospel music. She has boxes of CD and tapes. She danced until her last days. She was sitting in her chair and would dance with her hands. She was our sunshine. My mom liked baseball. She was a fan of McGuire. One day, she was driving back from the store. She took a glance of this runner on the road. He was running all the way down Whitmore Rd. She saw him and recognized him. It was McGuire in person! "#25". She rushed home and told us that she had seen McGuire running down the road. She and my sister jumped into the pick up and went to follow McGuire. When McGuire saw that he was being followed, he stopped. My mom and my sister then, approached him. My sister asked him if he was McGuire. Sure he was McGuire! My sister told him that my mom was his fan. He, then hugged my mom and gave her his autograph. She was very pleased. My father teased her. He told her that because McGuire had given her an hug probably she wouldn't want to take a shower. We all laugh. Those were very happy times.
What ever my mom liked, she lived to the fullest. For example, she liked to take pictures. When Alzheimer's disease struck her, she decorated her room. She pasted all her favorite pictures around the walls. She would go and spend peaceful afternoons admiring her treasurers. She enjoyed every picture in her room. She also had albums full of pictures. She completed the State Series Quarter Collection. For ten years, she was collecting the quarter of the year. My mom was the soul of our family. She used to wait for new year's by her self in the living room. We were always lazy to stay with her. She would stay up and when the new year was born, she tossed a bucket of water out the door. She then would eat twelve grapes. She was funny. Our nest is empty without her. My mom would attend mass every day. She would visit the "Santicimo Sacramento" for hours. She was a very devoted lady. I never heard her complaining about her illness. One day I was very worried about her and asked her about her illness. I remember her telling me "if it is God’s will, let it be". Alzheimer's is a very cruel disease. It robbed her memory and her intellect. But it was mom until the end. Her love for life, and her inner self was with her until the end. She was very brave. I remember when we first came to Hughson we used to swim in the canal. Some friends of us wanted to throw my little sister into the canal with her lifesaver. My mom got very nervous. She then put the lifesaver around her and jumped into the canal. She did not know how to swim. But knowing that my little sister was in danger, she took her place. The current was swift. We were running along the canal edge. She kept on yelling at us "Do not get in, Do not get in" She was very brave.
I used to play the tambora for her. She used to dance for hours. She never got tired. One day we went to mass. When we arrived, the chorus was playing an alabanza. My mother started dancing in church like if was the ball room. I then hugged her and took her to the pew. She was enjoying life. Mom was a very happy person even thought Alzheimer's was taking its course. She was an example for us.
Back in 1967, my father bought the house where she lived until the end of her life. My father and I always said the we wanted to buy another house but she always replied “they will take me out of this house only if I am dead”. I am very great full to God that it allowed us to fulfill her wishes. She passed away at her on own home. With God's help, we were able to take care of her until the end.
I could be writing about my mom for hours. We love her and miss her very much. Alzheimer’s' disease robbed her from us. But I am pretty sure she is in God's hands. There is no more pain. And no more suffering. She has seen the Glory of God. She has seen HIS face. She was received by our Lord Jesus Christ and was told "Well done my good and faithful servant".
Rest in Peace our beloved spouse, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother
Lupita Mejia.
God bless you all. Ofelia Mejia
Eleazar’s Eulogy
Life is a funny thing sometimes your are up in the mountains tops, sometimes you are down in the valley. We all go through good times and bad. The difference is whether you have someone to be there to help you through both. In my case there was. I had a friend, an angel, someone I could talk to in times of need. She always said the right thing to ease my pain. She always was full of love and understanding. Our mom Guadalupe Mejia was not perfect of course. But she was pretty close. She once told me a story about herself. One day when she was a little girl, she asked her mother why she named her Guadalupe which is a name that can be also used for a boy. Her mother replied. I named you after our Lady of Guadalupe. My mother was instantly full of joy. And she loved her name ever since.
My mother shared 50 of her 80 years of life with me and I am here to tell you that this is not a time to feel sad. But to rejoice and celebrate her life. Because is friends and family that this world is about. So love one another as much as you can like Jesus said. And be happy you have your loved ones here and now.
My mother loved to ride horses, ride her bike, go for long walks, and watch baseball.
She loved to laugh loud and had a beautiful smile. That’s the way I want to remember her for ever and ever.
From our family Pascual, Ofelia, Olga, Lino, Olivia, and Eleazar and Obdula (RIP), we thank you for been here and rejoicing with us and our mother Maria Guadalupe Mejia.
Poem written by Eleazar Mejia on 07/21/2011 @ 3:00 am
Still is the night
The stars all bright
My mother lays dying
With angels in sight
My brothers and sisters
Morn for our loss
We stayed up all night
what ever the cost
No sleeping no eating
It goes on for days
First in the night
And then the sun's rays
The candle is burning
Reminds us of HIM
The light that comes from it
Will never go dim
She is going to join HIM
In all of his joy
Just like when you are little
And get a new toy
So let us remember
His name Jesus Christ
For ever and ever
Eternal is the light.
Poem By Eleazar Mejia
Salmo 23
El Senor es mi pastor: nada me falta;
en verdes pastos el me hace reposar
y a donde brota agua fresca me conduce.
Fortalece mi alma,
por el camino del bueno me dirige
por amor de su Nombre.
Aunque pase por oscuras quebradas,
no temo ningun mal,
porque tu estas conmigo,
tu baston y tu vara me protegen
Me sirves a la mesa
frente a mis adversarios,
Con aceite pefumas mi cabeza
y rellenas mi copa.
Me acompana tu bondad y
tu favor mientras dura mi vida;
mi mansion sera la casa del Senor
por largo, largo tiempo.
Padre Nuestro
Padre nuestro
que estas en los cielos,
santificado sea tu nombre
Venga tu reino,
hagase tu voluntad,
asi en la tierra como en el cielo.
El pan nuestro de cada dia
danoslo hoy.
Y perdonanos nuestras deudas,
asi como nosotros perdonamos
a nuestros deudores.
Y no nos dejes caer en la tentacion,
mas libranos del mal.
Ave Maria
Dios te salve Maria, llena eres de gracia;
El Senor es contigo;
bendita tu eres entre todas las
mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de
tu vientre, Jesus. Santa Maria,
Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros
pecadores, ahora y en la hora de
nuestra muerte. Amen
Lupita resaba el rosario con mucha devocion. Ella meditaba en
los misterios del rosario y resaba la letania con mucho fervor. Sus oraciones eran de corazon.
Meditacion que de alguna forma llego a manos de Olga
Para los que ame y me amaron
Cuando me haya
ido, desprendanse y
dejenme ir
Tengo tantas cosas que
ver y hacer, no deben
atarme a sus lagrimas,
sean felices; tuvimos
tantos anos juntos y yo
les di mi amor.
Ustedes solo podran
tratar de adivinar
cuanta felicidad me
Les doy las gracias por
todo el amor que cada
uno de ustedes me dio.
Pero ahora es tiempo
de que you viaje solo,
asi es que si se sienten
tristes por mi, haganlo
por un rato nada mas,
y despues…que su
tristeza se convierta en
confianza y fe.
Es solo por un
momento que vamos
a estar separados,
asi que bendigan
los recuerdos de su
Yo no estare lejos,
porque la vida
continua, y si me
necesitan, llamenme y
yo vendre….
Aunque no me podran
ver ni tocar, yo estare
cerca, Y si oyen con el
corazon, escucharan
a su alrededor muy
suave y claramente mi
Luego, cuando les toque venir
por este mismo camino, yo
saldre a recibirlos con
una sonrisa y a darles
la bienvenida a su
Meditacion que de alguna manera llego a manos de Ofelia
Don't cry on my grave
'cause I won't be there
I'll be in the breeze that
ruffles your hair
I'll be in the sunshine and
I'll be in the snow
I'll be in the places
where we used to go
I'll be in your laughter and
in the funny thing
I'll be in your shadow and
there in your dreams
I'll be in your greetings
but not your goodbyes
I'll be in the reflection of
your loving eyes
I'll always be with you
and I'll always care
So don't cry at my graveside
'cause I won't be there.
Dale Senor el descanso eterno. Que luzca para ella la luz perpetua.
Descanse en paz asi sea. Amen
Jesus es el Camino, la Verdad y la Vida.
"Yo soy la resurreccion y la vida. El que cree en mi,
aunque muera, vivira, y todo el que vive y cree en mi,
no morira para siempre"
(Juan 11, 25).
Lupita cuando visitaba al Santicimo Sacramento del Altar
oraba en su libro catolico de oraciones y decia asi:
Jesus Instituye la Sagrada Eucaristia - Jesus "tomo el pan, dio las gracias, lo partio,
y dioselo, diciendo: "Este es Mi Cuerpo...Hagan esto en memoria Mia'" Lc 22:19
Mi madre cuando estabamos chiquitos no persignaba cada noche. Y resaba a nuestro
Angel de la Guarda. "Santo Angel mio de mi guarda mi dulce compania no me desampares
ni de noche ni de dia. No me dejes solo que me perderia".
Madre nuestra desde el cielo se un angel mas para cuidarnos y guiarnos aqui en la tierra. Ofelia
Madre mia tu carita se lleno de paz. Miraste la Luz de Su Rostro. La virgen acompanada de angeles vino a
tu encuentro. Sanaron tus heridas. Jesus te cargo y te llevo a vivir con El en la Gloria. Bendito seas Jesus
por habernos dado una esposa y una madre como la nuestra. Alabado seas Senor. Bendito y Alabado seas por
siempre Senor.
Del Diario de Santa Maria Faustina Kowaslska. Un regalo de mi madre Maria Guadalupe Mejia para Ofelia.
Mi madre me dijo toma este librito es tuyo.
Falleciste, Jesus pero el manantial de la vida broto para las almas y se abrio el oceano de la misericordia
para el mundo entero. Oh fuente de vida, insondable misericordia de Dios, envuelve el mundo entero
y vertete sobre nosotros (11, 59).
Madre mia como quisiera que cada uno de tus hijos escribiera sus recuerdos en este libro. Todos tenemos
memorias muy lindas de ti. Tu viviras en nuestro corazon para siempre.
Tu esposo Pascual y tus hijos Ofelia, Olga, Lino, Olivia y Eleazar te recordaran siempre con amor. Tambien tus
nietos y bisnietos. Descanse en paz mi chiquita y bonita. Mi reina. Ahora ya estas reunida con tu hija Obdulia.
Dale Senor el descanso Eterno. Que brille para ella la Luz Perpetua. Descanse en paz. Asi sea
Por Jesucristo Nuestro Senor. Amen.