Teen Foon Yee was born on April 8, 1924, in the town of Sun-Wei in southwestern China (Guangdong province). She came to the U.S. as a teenager in 1939 to join her family in Arkansas. Later she moved to Washington, D.C. to work. While riding the bus home from work, she got to know a handsome young co-worker named Dick who told her his bus stop was on the same route (which may or may not have been true). In 1946, the two were married. In 1949, they moved to Memphis, TN, where they established a grocery business and worked side-by-side for 30 years, raised three children, and became members of First Baptist Church. They worked 12-to-15-hour days, seven days a week, with time off on Wednesday and Sunday mornings. Teen made sure her children always had what they needed, worked hard, and did well in school. In 1977, after enduring multiple armed robberies, she and Dick left the grocery business. Teen later worked at a bridal shop for several years, using her sewing skills to make bad fits into good ones. She grew Chinese vegetables in her garden; and on Saturdays, she and Dick would often drive down to Mississippi to fish.
In 1991, Teen and Dick relocated to Houston, TX, making the move in two road trips—one to move their belongings, and another to retrieve her plants. In Houston, she continued gardening and fishing; tried out new hobbies like Tai-Chi, line dancing, and using computers; and became a fan of Yao Ming and the Houston Rockets. She loved to watch her grandchildren eat and always made sure they had plenty of goodies. She and Dick joined Grace Chinese Baptist Church in Sugar Land and made many wonderful friends there. She passed away peacefully at home on December 19, 2018, at the age of 94.
Teen is survived by her husband of 72 years, Dick, and their three children Norman (Betty), Raymond (Jacqueline), and Patricia (Tony). Her grandchildren include Norman’s daughter Jennifer (Phil), Raymond’s step-children Craig (Yosbel) and Justine (Barry), and Patricia’s sons Daniel and Ezekiel. Her great-grandchildren include Justine’s children Cliff and Avery. She also leaves a brother, Wing, two sisters, Grace and Ping, and their families. Teen will be remembered most for her feisty spirit; her compassion for the needy; and her deep and abiding love for her husband, children, and extended family.
Ping Kwan Chiu
Kent Choi
Norman Choi
Ezekiel Hsieh
Jason Leung
Sanford Wong