Samuel Aaron Cruz Jr., also known as "special little man" was born without a heartbeat on March 5th, 2015 at 12:18pm to loving parents Samuel Aaron Cruz and Maribel Rodarte. He was a beautiful baby boy weighing 5lbs 13oz and 17 1/2 in long. We loved him at first sight and held him with loving arms. Even in his death, Sammy brought life and much love. He has given us precious memories that will always be cherished by family and friends. Samuel was too wonderful and awesome for this world and is in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is survived by two siblings Princess Madeleine Erin Cruz and Princess Faith Joyce Cruz.
He was preceded in death by his Grandpa Robert Cruz, great-grandparents, and many cousins. We have peace and comfort knowing he is with a host of angels and the HOPE that we shall see him again!
The family would like to thank the medical staff at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital and the Fetal Center CAPS Team for the incredible care provided to the family. Knowing Sammy's condition was similar to "Dandy Walker Syndrome" helped us to prepare for his arrival. A special thanks to Allyson for the special attention given to Madi and the remarkable artwork she provided. We are truly thankful for their compassion and support.
Funeral services will be held at Brookside Grand Chapel on March 10, 2015. Visitation will be from 9:30am until 11:00am, with the service beginning promptly at 11:00am. Interment will follow in Brookside Memorial Park.