MOTHER RUTH ROSS TAYLOR was born on November 28, 1928 to the parents of Chester and Johnnie Mae Ross in Austin, Texas.
She grew up in a very loving and Christian home. She was reared at Duncan Memorial Church of God in Christ under Elder D. Duncan who taught true holiness. Mother Taylor united in marriage to Deacon Louvergia Taylor and to their union two children was born, Johnnie and Crystal Taylor. These young ladies were reared in a loving home and Christ was taught at a tender age. They were a very close knit family and they stayed faithful to the church. She continued to serve at Duncan Memorial under the leadership of Elder N.H. Henderson and Elder Ohmas Edwards. She faithfully served in several capacities at Duncan Memorial from Sunday School Teacher, Youth Drama Director and Vacation Bible School Director. The family later joined Buck Street Memorial Church of God in Christ under the leadership of Elder John Gamble, Elder Charles Harrison and Elder Pinkston L. Bell, Jr. Mother Taylor worked faithfully at Buck Street with the Young Adult Choir along with the Wyatt Sisters. She also served within the Mission Department and Intercessory Prayer with Mother Myrtle Montgomery. She was a member of Buck Street Memorial Church of God in Christ for 30 years.
Mother Ruth Taylor continued to serve in the church and she also help support her mother, the late Mother Johnnie Mae Ross who was the Assistant Jurisdictional Supervisor to Mother Eloise Law, and also the District Missionary of the East Side Houston District. She served as a Special Finance worker under the leadership of Superintendent Verdine Henry, Superintendent Paul Ellis, Superintendent Zelma Henderson and Superintendent Ezell Simmons.
Mother Ruth Ross Taylor was faithful in Texas South Central Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction for many years until she could no longer serve. She was the longest serving President of the Nurses Board. She also served with Missionary Peggy Carr Lee, who was the Director of the Task Force Committee that was formulated by Bishop N.H. Henderson. This committee served this great Jurisdiction and raised thousands of dollars that were spent on the upkeep and the beautification of the Jurisdictional Headquarters. They replaced pews, carpet, parking lot sign, baptismal draperies and much more.
Mother Ruth Ross Taylor was a member of Greater Law Memorial Church of God in Christ where her pastor is Bishop W.A. Jenkins. She came in working and being an encouragement to the members of her local church. She was named the Chairperson of the Special Task Force Committee, and they raised thousands of dollars to enhance and refurbish the entire Educational Hall. She was a faithful member and thither of her local church. She is loved by many and has gained many other daughters and sons.
Mother Ruth Taylor’s daily affirmation is, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” She enjoyed to silently give showing love quietly into the hands of God’s people.
She leaves to cherish her memories her two loving daughters, First Lady Johnnie Jenkins (Bishop W.A. Jenkins), Evangelist Crystal Taylor-James (Deacon Elbert L. James), one grandson whom she dearly loved, Deacon Julian Autrell Jenkins (Meghan Jenkins), one brother; Clarence T. Ross, one “Adopted Son” Delton Malter, the Greater Law Memorial Church Family and a host of nieces, relatives, friends and many other daughters and sons.