Robert Rogers was born on 12/20/1954 and passed away peacefully on 7/13/2013 -His heart just did not recover after the double by pass surgery - He is preceded in death by his mother Nita Rogers and his stepson Jeremy Billot -
He is survived by his dad Everett Rogers, brother David Rogers, wife Charlene Rogers and children, Robert Rogers II, Robyn Rogers Trevino, Allen Rogers and his step children Steve Matthews, Christopher Billot and Lindsey Billot. He is also survived by 11 grandchildren and many cousins -
He had a passion for family and stars - He loved both - If you had a minute to talk he would either tell you what a child or grandchild was doing or which constellation or planet was up in the sky at that time of the year - He loved his family - He had a special place in his heart for the Texas cousins - They were his "sisters"
He will be sorely missed by his family and many friends - His stay here was way too short - He still had things (including retirement & travel) that he wanted to do - However we know that he is with his Mom now and getting a front row view of all the stars.....
We love you....
In lieu of flowers donations can be sent to Houston Astronomical Society ( P O Box 20332 - Housotn, Texas 77225)