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Saturday,June 14, 2014

Funeral Service

Saturday,June 14, 2014


Saturday,June 14, 2014


In Memory Of

Petra Patrice Snow


Click to light a candle

Kimahri Vanille Olan McCowin Tyler


Love you auntie Peach!

Dennis Wojciechowski Columbus


You were beautiful as a baby, when you you were first born in Germany. Stayed beautiful as a child and touched many hearts along the way. I know you are greatly missed by all. As an Angel in heaven look out for all those hearts you touched.

Jasmine Snow Houston


Petra my cousin I still can't believe ur gone we last talked last May about my 2nd daughter arrival and how u was gonna come and see me and Layla. But I know u r in a much better place no pain, no suffering, no more problems and u r looking down on us with our Aunt Linda I missed you so much it hurts Always love you and we will see each other again one day.

Jazmon Rhone Webster


My Sister In Law! Love you like there is no tomorrow. We have shopped, cried, laughed, gotten pampered and everything. I have never had a sister, even in the few short months I knew you, you filled that void in my life. You will always live in my heart... Love you Petra MUAH!!! Until we meet again!



Petra you have always been a sister to me since I was a little boy. When your dad First brought You and your brother and you always pinched my cheeks. I will never forget the way you laughed around us. We will always love you and remember you. Leon Denzel Green

Roteavia McCowin Tyler


Petra Peach, my sister and best friend. I will forever cherish you in my heart. I thank God for the time you were here and that killer smile that can pierce through the coldest hearts. I love you Always, Forever and After! -Khandi Kane

Obituary of Petra Patrice Snow - 04/09/2020 - From the Family

From the Family