Olivia (Delia) Garza, 83, was peacefully reunited with her daughter, Elsa Smith, and husband Santos Garza as well as many other proceeding family members, Saturday morning, April 20, 2019. Delia lived a long and very creative happy life. She worked for many years at Houston Jewelers, Foley’s and was the co-owner of Buster’s BBQ. Delia was born in Houston and had 5 brothers and 1 sister. Delia enjoyed coffee and visits from her surviving brother, Ruben Almendarez.
Olivia was many things to many people. Sister, Mom, Nana, Delia, Dee, Mrs. Garza, whatever name you knew her by she welcomed you with open arms and showed her love and affection by cooking wonderfully delicious meals. At her table there were no strangers. Throughout her years Delia took pride in always making her home a happy place. Her true creativity shined brightest at Christmas time. Her Christmas decorations were admired by all. The time she spent recreating her Christmas Village each year was beyond astonishing.
Delia is survived by her brother, Ruben Almendarez, her son Mark Garza, his wife Rachel, their children Alexander and Matthew and great grandson Lexson Garza. She is also survived by Elsa’s children Adrienne Benavidez, Richard Smith II, Daniel Smith, and great grandson Xavier Benavidez. She also leaves behind her daily canine companion and protector Levi.
“I just called to say I love you. I just called to say how much I care. I just called to say I love you. And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”