Pittsburg, Texas to Vernon “Cotton” Clark and Cleaby Clark on October 3, 1936, Merla is one of six girls
born to the Clarks including Janice, Peggy, Pat, Verna and Donna Jo. Merla was the second born.
Merla attended Mineral Wells High School where she met Nathan Mack Brown and the highschool
sweethearts were married on June 30, 1956.
Merla and Mack started their family in Mineral Wells, Texas. They had son, Terry Mack Brown, also known as “Golden Boy” and a daughter, Mickie Brown Cioccia, known as the “the Boss”. They were her
full-time job until they moved to Houston in 1962.
Together with Mack, the pair started N.M.Brown Construction Company, with Merla behind the scenes
keeping the books, contracts, and family together. They went on to form multiple other Construction and
Golf Companies.
Merla, along with Mack, were proud sponsors of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Merla was a
founding member of the Lady Lambs Committee. One of their favorite things to do was to see the kid’s
faces light up when their lamb won and they received a scholarship at the auctions.
Merla loved her family, especially when the 5 grandkids starting coming along and she became “MeMa”.
Heather, Ryan and Rachel from Terry’s side of the family and Justin and Tara from Mickie’s side. She
loved doing things with them and going places with them. The grandkids were lucky enough to be rated
“favorites” right along with her beloved dogs, Brownie and Molly.
She and Mack also loved to travel with their many friends and family. They visited many places in the
world. Another one of their favorite things was cruising with friends. They would tell many stories and
have countless pictures to share.
Merla has been joined back with Mack now and no doubt he was at gates in heaven yelling, “Brown,
where have you been? I have been waiting for you four years now.”
A private graveside service will be held for the immediate family on Tuesday, August 11. Due to the
Coronavirus guidelines of no more than 10 people gathered together issued by the state and CDC.
Please keep safe and well.
Merla leaves behind her children Terry and his wife, Renee; Mickie and her husband John Cioccia; the five grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren, Hailey and Addison. We will miss you but never forget you Mom, MeMa, Sister, friend.
We do encourage you to visit the website and share a “Hug from Home” to let Merla and family know you
are thinking about them. Go to https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/9301975 and then scroll down to memories and condolences either at the bottom or the left side. You can then add a photo and/or just share memories with words.