María deja atrás a su familia y amistades, sus hijas Angélica P. Moore, y Karla M. Garcia Estrella, sus nietos Bernardo Z. Lara y Kiran L. Moore, su nieta Adabella Lara, su pareja Roberto García y sus amistades.
María disfrutaba cocinar, platicar por largas horas con sus familia y amistades aun por teléfono, le gustaba la música de Joan Sebastian, Los Yonis, Los Angeles Negros, Ana Gabriel, Juan Gabriel, entre muchos otros, sus novelas y sus colores favoritos fueron el azul marino y azul royal.
A Maria se le referia con cariño de diferentes maneras: su hija mayor le llamaba Ma y mother, su hija menor Mami y mom, sus nietos(a) Mamá Maria, su pareja Doña Morry, y por amistades y conocidos como la Güera, Doña Mary, Madrina, Chuya.
Maria fue amada y querida a la manera de sus hijas, nietos(a) y su pareja Roberto Garcia y amistades.
Se le va a extrañar hoy y siempre… siempre estará en nuestros corazones
Maria de Jesus Garcia Estrella, was born on January 7, 1969, in Apatzingán, Michoacán, and passed away on December 25, 2022 , at the age of 53.
María leaves behind her family and friends, her daughters Angelica P. Moore, Karla M. Garcia Estrella and her grandchildren Bernardo Z. Lara, Adabella Lara, Kiran L. Moore, her partner Roberto Garcia, and friends.
María enjoyed cooking, talking for long hours with her family and friends even on the phone, she liked the music of Joan Sebastian, Los Yonis, Los Angeles Negros, Ana Gabriel, Juan Gabriel, among many others, his novels and his favorite colors were navy blue and royal blue.
Maria was affectionately referred to in different ways by her eldest daughter Ma and mother, by her youngest daughter Mami and mom, by her grandchildren Mama Maria, by her partner Doña Morry and by friends and acquaintances ; La Güera, Doña Mary, Godmother, Chuya.
Maria was loved and wanted in their own unique way by her daughters, grandchildren and her partner Roberto Garcia and friends.
she will be missed today and always…and she will always be in our hearts.