Linda Schoenfeld passed away on December 8, 2022. She was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the only child of Carl and Sylvia Schoenfeld. Linda worked her way through high school and college at Children’s Hospital and Patricia Stevens Career and Finishing School in Milwaukee, and later graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee. Later she moved to Houston,Texas, where she would begin her teaching career in the Galveston-Houston Diocese.
She taught at St. Jerome, Holy Ghost, and Seton schools before landing her final position at St. Francis De Sales Catholic School. There she taught sixth through eighth grade language arts before moving to fifth grade.
If one were to find a stray or lost animal-especially on the SFDS campus- Linda’s classroom was where the pet would land. She had a knack with finding homes for all of her foster “kids.” Linda had so many wonderful experiences and memories of her thirty-six years at St. Francis, but one stands out. While in fifth grade she and fellow teacher Louise Prihoda won an all-expense paid trip to New York City by placing second in the national Mutt-i-gree Curriculum contest sponsored by the New York Humane Society. The two teachers created the required video using their students to promote the adoption of mutts. Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan presented the teachers and SFDS the prize money at the 2011 North Shore Animal League America DogCatemy Rescue Awards Dinner. Animal-rights activist Beth Stern was also in attendance.
Linda is preceded in death by her parents, her grandmother Fern Seal, and her aunt Marion (Mame) Pongrace, who was also known as Sister Marie Bernard O.P. of the Dominican Sisters in Houston. She leaves behind good friends Gail Carlisle, Patricia Hagstrom, Mary Ann Hill, Karen Walthall, and her many SFDS friends, especially those in the LLL group.
A memorial service will be held on January 3, 2023 at St. Francis De Sales Church at 11:00 A.M. A reception will follow immediately afterwards in the Family Life Center. "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
“If there ever comes a day.
Where we can’t be together,
Keep me in your heart.
I’ll stay there forever.”
—Winnie the Pooh