James C. Guillot, beloved father and grandfather, passed away on December 30, 2022. James, fondly known as Jim, J.C, Jimmy or Papa Jim was one of a kind and had a larger than life personality. Born December 10, 1943 to Alton James Guillot and Grayce Eulayla Guillot, Jim was a force from the start. A lifelong Houstonian, Jim briefly left to attend Sam Houston State University in Huntsville. This is where he met the love of his life, Melba McBride Guillot. After graduating from Sam Houston, Jim and Melba settled in Houston where he managed a successful real estate business. Together they raised two sons, James Everett and Kristopher Kerr.
Jim was a true patriarch and took his role as leader and provider for the family very seriously. He was known to miss baseball and basketball games to meet with tenants, fix leaky pipes or repair a roof. He worked long and hard but he also played hard. He believed in hard work, saving for the future and being a person of your word. His favorite sayings were, “Pennies make dollars” and “Be minutes ahead when seconds count”.
Jim was a lively, charismatic man gifted with a knack for storytelling. You were sure to be entertained if he was around. There was no gray area with Jim though, there was only black and white, right or wrong and ultimately, he was the judge. He held steadfast to his beliefs, seldom being convinced otherwise and could hold a grudge longer than anyone.
Jim was an avid outdoorsman and early on developed a love for the South Texas Brush Country. In 1996 Jim established the Powderhorn Ranch outside of George West. Jim, his sons, grandchildren and honored guests spent countless weekends at the Powderhorn filling feeders, fixing fence lines and after a long day’s work, sharing stories around the campfire. Countless memories have been made and lessons learned at the Powderhorn. It is also the place where he shared his love for firearms with his grandchildren. Jim always set aside time for target practice and gun safety. He and Kristopher (nicknamed Bulldog by his Papa Jim) could often be seen sitting on the tailgate of Jim’s truck discussing clips, casings and calibers.
He was fondly known as Papa Jim to his grandchildren, Kristopher, Kasyn and JD. They knew a visit from Papa Jim ensured a large supply of fun size Snicker bars and Oreo cookies. He was known to give forehead thumpies when they forgot their manners, called to check on who’d been a sweet-sweet or toot-toot or to ask if Bulldog was still on lock down.
Jim is survived by his eldest son James Everett Guillot, daughter-in-law Jill Guillot and grandson James Douglas Guillot; His youngest son Kristopher Kerr Guillot, daughter-in-law Cynthia Guillot and grandchildren, Kristopher James Guillot and Kasyn Grace Guillot. Along with his immediate family, Jim will be missed by numerous cousins, friends and a slew of honorary sons.