Jacksen Dennis-Ronald Nordquist, age 16, was born in Whittier, CA on September 10, 2004. He brought so much joy and light coming into this world. Jacksen passed away unexpectedly the morning of May 17th, 2021 in Houston, TX with his mother and step father by his side. He is survived by his loving parents, Karen and Andrew, and Lars; his brothers, Max and Chase and his fur sister, Bella. He attended Cy-Ranch High School as a Sophomore. It is not possible to encapsulate in one attempt his worth and importance and there are no words to describe how beautiful our boy was. He touched the lives of many and we will always remember him and never recover. Jacksen was such a caring and loving person. Kind to animals where they took to him and favored him specifically. Thoughtful in every way, making personalized cards and notes for all he knew and everyone he cared for. He loved music in every way, walking to parks and swinging on the swings, drawing and playing games. He was an amazing artist and writer. Jacksen was brilliant and bright beyond his years. He had a smile that would light up any room. He had the biggest heart, giving it to all he loved when he left. He was kind, genuine, honest, and made more of a difference than he will ever know. We have suffered the greatest loss and nothing will be the same again. We will miss him every minute of every day, never forgetting the love he left behind, and we will live for Jacksen always.
Memorial service/celebration of life will be held May 26th 2021
10000 Towne Lake Parkway
Cypress, TX 77433
Jacksen loved bright colors so for the memorial and celebration of life please feel free to wear a bright color in remembrance.