Elna was raised in the small sawmill town of Roganville, Texas the oldest of four children by hard working parents. Her mother, olive, was a feisty little lady that raised four children and worked hard on the farm. Elna’s father James or “Big Daddy” as he was called worked in the saw mill and logging trade as well as on the farm. Before she was grown she was lovingly “stuck” with the name “sister” by the family as she had only brothers. That name was adopted by the entire family and she is still referred to as sister or aunt sister to this very day. She attended the typical rural school in Roganville and Kirbyville, Texas completing all grades the were offered. After finishing eleven grades she was offered a chance by relatives to attend and graduate high school in Nederland, Texas where they offered the full twelve grades. Even though after attending only one year at Nederland High School she graduated Valedictorian and was voted “Most Beautiful” when she was 17.
Robert (Dee) as he was known to his family was walking down the street with his best friend and turned to him and said, “Cecil do you see that girl across the street? I’m going to marry her” to which Cecil replied, “who is she?” Robert’s response was, “I don’t know yet but I’m going to marry her” A couple of weeks later when he introduced this beautiful lady “Elna” to one of his brothers he was asked how he could afford the huge diamond she was wearing. He replied, “Oh I did not give that to her, the guy that thinks he is going to marry her gave that to her” On September 14th, 1930, just eight weeks after he first saw her on the street he and Elna were married and the other guy got his ring back.
Robert was employed by the Santa Fe Railroad and after working in Roganville and San Agustine, Texas, he was transferred to Bellville, Texas. He and Elna moved to Bellville, Texas in 1937 and joined the Methodist Church shortly thereafter. Elna was very active in the church singing in the choir, holding almost every office in the women’s Missionary Society and was very proud of the fact that she was the first women to work for Huerta Drug Store where she remained for over 20 years. She took her job very seriously and her main joy and expertise was the area of women’s cosmetics. She attended numerous schools and training programs sponsored by all the major cosmetic companies of the different cosmetic lines that the store offered. She sort of became the “cosmetic Guru” that most high school girls and ladies in town came for advise. Even though he could have transferred to better jobs within the Santa Fe, Robert and Elna felt they had found the home they wanted in Bellville. Robert retired in 1971 and “Suggested” that Elna do the same. She however continued to work even though the initial reason for working was to help with her son Jimmie’s college education. He had however finished school in 1967 after serving in the U.S.Navy. Robert continued to “Suggest” that she retire so they could enjoy their retirement. So in the late 70’s she finally gave in and retired and they traveled and enjoyed their retirement.
After her loving husband Robert passed away on December 16th, 1982 she continued to live in their home they had built on East Austin Street. She continued to be active in the church and the community. She loved her weekly card games with the “ladies” where they rotated the game at the homes of the ladies who played. She was a “Greeter” with the First National Bank on a regular basis something she really loved doing. It enabled her to see and retain contact with her many friends. She was very good in this role with her smiling face and wonderful personality she knew no strangers.
In July of 1983 Jimmie married his present wife Claudia. Claudia had a son Michael who was 10 at the time so Elna had her first grandchild. Shortly after the marriage Michael came to her and asked what he should call her. Elna replied anything but Grandma. Michael came up with the name :”Gram” and another name stuck.
In the mid 90’s she was beginning to have some lapses of memory and some other minor difficulties. In 1995 with her help and her son, they bought a home in Houston large enough for them all to be comfortable. In a short time she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and it became apparent that Elna needed more care during the day than her son and his wife could provide themselves as they both worked. Elna attended the YWCA Senior Day care program where she very quickly became a care giver as well as a care receiver. She really enjoyed this as it gave her a feeling of purpose even though she was getting care as well. However after living with Jim and Claudia her daughter in-law for 6 years and having two stays in the hospital, a fall that fractured her pelvis and the increased progression of the dreaded Alzheimer’s other steps had to be taken. Elna had to be placed in a nursing and Rehab facility in Houston. She lived for several years enjoying her bingo and friends both in and out of the “Home”. She steadfastly retained her faith but continued her decline that was advancing at a more rapid rate. On July 14, she was taken to Memorial Herman Memorial City Emergency Room where after a short stay it was determined she had suffered a major stroke and there was nothing further to be done except make her as comfortable as possible. She was placed in the Woodridge Nursing Home in Hospice care where she had a Hospice RN with the Compassionate Agency with her 24 hour a day until she passed away on August 31, 2010
She is survived by a brother Lee Julian Morgan of Lumberton, Texas, a son James Gattis and wife Claudia of Houston, Texas a Grandson, Michael Gattis and wife Sarah of Houston Texas, two great Grandchildren, Lillian Grace Gattis of Houston and Sarah Caldwell of Ponchatoula, Louisiana