Visitation will be on Thursday, March 28, 2024 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Del Angel Funeraria, 5100 North Freeway, Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 695-6881.
Funeral Services will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, March 29, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. A reception is immediately following from 11:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Officiating will be Father Henry B. Walker of Immaculate Conception. Burial will follow at Forest Park Lawndale at 2:00 p.m. Arrangements are made by Del Angel Funeraria North.
Elisa was born in Texas City, Texas, in 1934 to Elia DeOcio and Jose Canales Garza (Catholic immigrants from Mexico with work visas). Her father worked as a longshoreman and her mother cared for and raised the eight Garza children as well as made and sold tamales, ceramics and beautifully crocheted wearables.
Elisa grew up during the throws of the incredibly difficult era of the Great Depression and WWII. Though her mother and father spoke no English, she and her siblings excelled in academics and later in the drafting industry. As an honor student at DeZavala Jr. High in Houston, Elisa received many scholarships. It was said that Elisa and her father discussed algebra many nights at the kitchen table as she did homework. In 1954, she graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School (in Houston) where she was a member of the press club. Also in 1954, her senior year, she was inducted in to the National Honor Society. By that time, the University of Houston had scouted her and offered her a full scholarship (including housing). She excelled in and loved math. After two years of studies, she decided to get married and raise a family. Being the goal oriented and supportive person that she was, she worked and paid for her spouse’s barber trade school.
After 10 years, she embarked on another course: single motherhood. Determined to be the sole breadwinner and support for her five children, Elisa worked three jobs for many years. The goals she set for her children were simple: make sure they ate well and graduate high school. At different times, when she would have to resign from a job, for one reason or another, they would ask her not to leave and try to tempt her with accommodating her schedule or more money. Most places she worked loved her. They valued her organization and mentoring skills. So as not to work so many hours, she taught herself bookkeeping and worked as an unofficial C.P.A. for 10 years until she retired.
After all her children had graduated and left home, Elisa retired and lived a purposeful and thrifty life. In order to occupy her time, she spent many hours sewing in the capacity of a fashion designer. She would upscale her wardrobe by taking apart her clothing and resewing them back together with a better fit and bling. She was also an avid reader. It was during this period of her life that she began to read books given to her by her niece, Sharla Martinez. Among the many authors she read were Joyce Myers, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. During this period of her life, she had a paradigm shift and wholeheartedly began to devote her heart and life to Jesus Christ. She spent many hours in daily prayer and Bible reading.
In 2014, Elisa suffered a massive stroke. In 2015, she went to live with her son-in-law and only daughter where she lived, laughed, and loved in spite of her health conditions. Because she loved to sing growing up, her daughter and she would sing their nightly prayers. Many times when her daughter would check on her, she would be found with her hand raised and eyes closed praying. For the next nine years, she lived a comforted and pampered life and grew very close to her daughter and son-in-law.
On a 10 day respite stay at a nursing facility, Elisa was transported to St. Joseph Hospital on Rock Prairie in College Station where she received the most expert care by professional and genuinely loving doctors and nurses. Elisa transitioned into eternity with her daughter singing to her at her bedside. We believe she will be dancing with her Lord Jesus and singing to Him just as she spent many of her happy days as a young girl with her siblings and mother.
Elisa leaves behind her four surviving children and their families, which include many loving grandchildren, precious great grandchildren, and beautiful great-great grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her mother, Elia DeOcio Garza, and her father, Jose Canales Garza and her stellar son, Vincent Molina.
Elisa is survived by her only daughter and precious son-in-law, Patrick, with whom she lived for her last 9 years. She is also survived by her son, Paul Molina and his family; David Molina and his family; and Roman Molina and his family—all of which include many treasured grandchildren, adorable great grandchildren and precious great-great grandchildren; sister, Rebeca Martinez; brother and sister-in-law, Ray and Esther Garza; and many outstanding nieces and nephews and their precious children and grandchildren.
Memorials may be given to Elisa’s favorite non-profit: Love a Child ( to feed children and families in Haiti.
The daughter of Elisa Molina wishes to extend a sincere thanks to Dr. Moran and Dr. Leech, Nurse Gabby and Nurse Joseph (Med/Surg), Nurse Patti (wound care), Nurse Linsey (cardiac nurse practitioner), Jennifer Burns (clinical coordinator of ICU), Nurse Meredith (palliative care), and Elizabeth Foreman (social work) of St. Joseph Hospital on Rock Prairie (College Station); and Stellar Investigator Anna Downing Gillespie and Director Shaun Pupy of THHS. A special thanks to Aunt Esther and Uncle Ray Garza, Aunt Becky Martinez, and Tino Garza, Jr. for your monetary support for the funeral and all my precious cousins for always being a beautifully loving family.