1925 – 2017
Bill passed away peacefully in the morning of November 2 at Methodist Hospital after suffering a massive stroke.
He was 92 years old and had been married to the love of his life, Ebby, for 69 years.
Bill was predeceased by his parents and two sisters.
He was formerly from Trenton, N.J. and after graduating from high school, he attended Rutgers University, majoring in clinical psychology, where he received his B degree.
After graduating he and Ebby moved to Las Vegas, N.M. where he attended N.M. Highlands University to work on his Masters degree.
After graduating he was accepted by the University of Houston to work on his P.H.D. While going to school he got a “part-time” job at Prudential and went to school at night. After 1 year he felt 6 years of graduate school was enough and wasn’t learning anything new at the U. of H. so he started to work full-time at Pru where he worked for 33 years and retired in 1984.
He liked to fish, but bowling was his sport. He started bowling at age 15 when he was a “pin boy” in Trenton. He became interested in the administrative aspect of bowling after moving to Houston and held all league offices and helped organize many leagues. He served on the Houston Bowling Assn Board for 46 years and held all offices. When his term was up he was awarded a “Life Membership” and was still active while the HBA was in existence.
He was selected to serve on the American Bowling Congress Board of Directors as a Jurisdictional Director of S.E. Texas and served as such for 21 years. At the end of his term he was selected as a Life Member of the ABC.
Bill helped to reinstate the Houston Bowling Hall of Fame, and served as Co-Chairman or Chairman until his death.
He was inducted into the Houston Bowling Hall of Fame in 1976, the Greater Houston Youth Bowling Assn Hall of Honor in 1990 (the first non-coach), the Texas State Bowling Assn Hall of Fame in 2005, and the Southern Bowling Congress Hall of Fame in 2009.
He was the first non-Latin selected to the Houston Latin-American Bowling Assn. as an honorary member, for his assistance and support to their tournaments.
He has bowled in many local, state, Southern and 58 National tournaments. He was so looking forward to bowling in his 60th National Tournament and talked about it often.
When he retired from Prudential he became active in the Prudential Retirees Club, and eventually became Treasurer until his death.
He was very active with the Special Olympics (when it was in Houston) while his health permitted.
He and Ebby traveled (by car) a lot, and visited Canada (4 times) and almost every state in the U.S. They always had a cat (or cats) so that’s one reason they traveled by car.
They went back to Washington, D.C. last May to visit the WW 2 exhibits. Bill was in the Navy in WW 2 for 3 years on a mine sweeper in the Asiatic and Pacific Theatres. He was a Charter Member of the World War 2 Memorial.
He was really proud to have been in the Navy, and whenever he was in the company of anyone of his age they would “swap” war stories.
Bill was truly a “good” person and a loving and generous husband. He always had a smile when he greeted someone, enjoyed being with people, and was always willing to help anyone who asked for it.
A Memorial Service will be held at Memorial Oaks Funeral home on Tuesday, November 21st at 12:30 with Chaplain Charles Abuyeka officiating. Immediately following the service there will be a reception in the reception room
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the National Bowling Hall of Fame, or any animal rescue organization.