Edward Oliver dreamed big and worked hard at everything he chose to tackle. He believed that people were genuine, even when they were not and gave them a chance to prove it. Edward always gave second chances, and his outlook was positive, and he always wanted to help others. The help could be by giving his time, professional services, knowledge, or when possible, monetary, or material items. As news of his death is shared, we realize that he touched many lives. He was a positive influence to many and, in hindsight, the sacrifices he and Angelita made in their life have led to “good things” happening for them and others.
Edward was born in Clare, Michigan to Johnny and Judy Oliver, who we are sure welcomed him to heaven with open arms. He grew up hunting and playing in the snow with his brother, cousins Kristie, Paul, and other close family. He leaves behind his wife Angelita, mother-in-law Lorenza, brother William, several cousins, aunts, uncles, and Branden Oliver Snoe, who live across the US.
He utilized his experience in document management, logistical planning, Paralegal studies, and understanding of compliance methodologies to work as a consultant for several IT projects. He also managed the couple’s consulting business, flipped houses, and realized that being a realtor would best utilize his skills, experience, and drive to be an entrepreneur.
Edward successfully passed both the state and national real estate exams, in one sitting. He successfully worked as a realtor and became a mentor of junior realtors in October 2021. One year later he was mentoring/managing a team of 20. He enjoyed helping people find their dream home. He enjoyed teaching and motivating his mentees. He found his niche as a realtor and was aiming to be a Broker.
During the pandemic, Angelita and Edward spent e-v-e-r-y day together. They spent time swimming, Ed perfected grilling/smoking techniques, they made plans and became closer than ever before. Angelita says, “In hindsight, the pandemic was a blessing for us. We lost 50 pounds and gained a closer relationship.”
The night Edward died, William told Angelita, “I was 11 when I learned the Lord’s prayer in Bible study. I ran home to tell Eddie about accepting Jesus as his Savior. I taught him the prayer and he said I accept Jesus and I know someday I will be with him Heaven.” Edward’s downfall was fear of physicians; thus, why we gather. Remember the good in Edward and how he touched your life. I am certain he is in heaven without pain, looking down on us, and ready to oversee our adventures.