Earl Kapukini Hale, Sr. - He Kupa Aloha No Pohoiki, Puna, Hawai`i
Earl Kapukini Hale, Sr., beloved son of Isaac Kepo`okalani and Hanna Kawai`ae`a Hale, left this world on Sunday, June 23, 2019. He was 97 years old. Born on July 7, 1921, Kapukini was predeceased by his wife, Ellen Jane Kaheowahine, and two sons, Earl Kapukini, Jr. and Isaac Kepo`okalani. He is survived by son, Edward Albert Kaiponohea, who served as his primary caregiver for several years until his passing in June of this year.
Kapukini was a beloved brother to sisters Luka Veloria, Rhoda Sanders and Nancy Terry, as well as brothers Peter Hale, John Hale, and Isaac Kepo`okalani Hale, Jr. All have passed on, but he is survived by a younger brother, William Hale, who currently resides in Puna, Hawai`i.
At a young age, Kapukini and his older brother, John, both moved to Honolulu to seek employment. After a few years of different job opportunities, they joined the military, and Kapukini served in the United States Army for almost four years before being discharged with honorable service in 1945.
Following his military service, Kapukini met his future wife, Ellen Jane Kaheowahine Kelley, and they were married at Kawaiaha`o Church on December 17, 1949. They settled in the outer vicinity of Pauoa, O`ahu, and raised three sons.
Eventually Kapukini found his calling as a naval firefighter and was stationed at the Navy Consolidated Fire Department, Naval Station at Pearl Harbor. He grew to love his work as a firefighter and was always eager to share his experiences with family and friends. The demands of the job provided him with long hours of physical work, but he never complained or regretted the experience. He retired in the early 1980s, after 30 years of dedication and commitment, and went on to work for the State at the University of Hawai`i at Mānoa’s Astronomy Division. A second retirement came after 10 years, and soon thereafter he enjoyed a carefree life with his immediate family, often returning to his `āina hānau (birthplace) in Pohoiki, Puna, Hawai`i to visit his relatives living in Pāhoa, Kea`au, Hilo, Puna and `Opihikao. Everyone there knew him affectionately as “Uncle Kini,” and even during the past few years when he would often visit Pohoiki, many of his `ohana members would dote on him, sit down and talk story with him, and listen to him speak about growing up in Kapoho and Pohoiki. It brought personal pride and joy to him, and he relished in the attention given to him.
During this time, his younger son, Isaac, grew ill and was hospitalized at home. Without a second thought, Kapukini stepped up and dedicated his time caring for him for over 11 years. He gave of his time unselfishly and provided quality care for Isaac, meticulously preparing all the necessary medical equipment and resources to ensure that he received the utmost care and attention. Kapukini grew to love his caregiver duties as a father, and it showed in every aspect of his loving relationship with Isaac.
Kapukini was a warrior in his own right, a true native son and a strong advocate of things Hawaiian. He was also a very sweet and gentle human being, with a heart of genuine kindness towards others. On several occasions he was always willing to bring out his billfold and offer monetary gifts to family and friends. He loved Hawaiian food, especially poi, a staple food item for Hawaiians, and made sure there was an adequate supply of it at home. When visiting relatives on Hawai`i island or anywhere else, he made sure to stop at the local KTA Market or Foodland to buy “poke” and “poi” for the family. It was just a natural thing for him to do, and he loved doing it!
Many of his favorite songs to sing included the following: “Hilo Hanakahi,” “`Imi Au Iā `Oe,” “`Ekolu Mea Nui,” and “Hawai`i Pono`ī.” During family get-togethers he would oftentimes join in the group singing, with his high-pitched tenor voice. If he didn’t recognize the tune, he would listen carefully to the song and then do his own physical choreography while sitting down. Those moments brought a lot of joy to him.
During the latter part of his life, Kapukini enjoyed a much simpler lifestyle. Even though he was physically incapable of traveling back to his homeland in Pohoiki, many of his close relatives living on Hawaiʻi island would come to Honolulu to pay him a visit at his Pauoa home. There they would surround him with lots of food, love, fellowship, family stories, prayer, singing and dancing the hula! It always brought a smile to his face as he realized that his extended ʻohana members were with him in his own home. Those memories will forever be a part of him!
And so, in this loving tribute to a great man, who lived a rich, long life of almost 98 years, it is important to know that as long as we live, he too will live, for he is now a part of us, as we remember him in every way possible, and therefore, let us keep his memory alive. This beloved native son of Pohoiki, Puna, Hawai`i, shall remain in our hearts forever!
E ola mau nō ka inoa hanohano, `o Kapukini he inoa ē! May the honorable name live on forever, the name Kapukini!
E. Kaiponohea Hale – June, 2019
Hū a`e ka mana`o ho`oheno mau `ia
(Endearing thoughts overflow with affection)
No ka lei kaulana o Puna,
(For the famous and beloved child of Puna,)
He mamo `ōiwi `oe na Kaiponohea,
(You are a proud native to Kaiponohea,)
Ku`u makuakāne, he kupa makamae.
(My father, a citizen so loved and cherished.)
Aia i ka nani o ka `āina Pohoiki,
(There in the beauty of the Pohoiki lands,)
Ka hale `olu`olu ho`okipa lehulehu,
(Is the gracious home that welcomes all,)
Nui wale ka hāliʻaliʻa ʻana mai
(So great are the fond remembrances)
No ka māhiehie o Kapoho i ka laʻi.
(Of the pleasantness of Kapoho in the calm.)
He hoapili `oe i ke alo o ka wahine,
(You are a loving companion in the lady’s presence,)
Kū ha`aheo i ka maka o nā pua,
(Standing proudly in the eyes of the children,)
Ua pā ka makani aheahe o Pauoa
(The soothing wind of Pauoa gently blows)
Me ka wai kapu mai ke poʻo o ka lani.
(With the sacred waters from the heavens above.)
He puana ka mana`o ho`oheno mau `ia
(A refrain of loving thoughts)
No ka lei kaulana o Puna,
(For the famous and beloved child of Puna,)
He mamo `ōiwi `oe na Kaiponohea,
(You are a proud native to Kaiponohea,)
Ku`u makuakāne, he kupa makamae.
(My father, a citizen so loved and cherished.)
Aloha ē, aloha ē
(Loving thoughts so profound,)
E ola mau nō ka inoa hanohano,
(May the honorable name live on forever,)
`O Kapukini he inoa ē.
(The name Kapukini.)
This is a loving tribute to my father, Earl Kapukini Hale, Sr., a beloved native of Pohoiki, Puna, Hawai`i. The poetic expressions reflect my deep and profound aloha for this kind and generous man, who always looked out for others and loved Pohoiki, his `āina hānau. May his legacy live on in the lives of those who have come to love and respect him all these years.
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Hanohano Pohoiki
Na E. Kaiponohea Hale 12/1/10
Hanohano Pohoiki ku`u `āina kulāiwi,
(Honorable is Pohoiki my beloved native land,)
I ka poli o Puna paia `ala i ka hala.
(In the bosom of Puna fragrant in the hala groves.)
`O ka hale ho`okipa pili i ka `ae kai,
(The welcoming house at the water’s edge,)
`Olu`olu ka nohona me ka launa `ohana.
(So pleasant with the gathering of family members.)
Ua nani Keahialaka i ka uluwehiwehi,
(Beautiful Keahialaka in the lush surroundings,)
Me Mahinaakaaka kū wale i ka la`i.
(With Mahinaakaaka standing in the calm.)
Māpuana ke onaona i ka hanu a ka ipo,
(A sweet scent is wafted to the lover’s breath,)
Nā lei `awapuhi, melia, pua kenikeni.
(Lei of ginger, plumerias, and pua kenikeni.)
Kaulana `o Kapoho i nā kini lehulehu,
(Famous is Kapoho to the multitudes,)
Me ka makani Pu`ulena ua pā `olu mai.
(With the cool blowing Pu`ulena wind.)
Hoihoi ke lohe aku i nā leo mo`olelo,
(Enjoyable is hearing the storytelling voices,)
Hali`a ka manaʻo no nā kūpuna.
(Recalling fond memories of our kūpuna.)
Ha`ina `ia mai ana ka puana,
(The refrain is told,)
Hanohano Pohoiki ku`u `āina kulāiwi.
(Honorable is Pohoiki my beloved native land.)
This mele was composed in December 2010, after taking my father, Earl Kapukini Hale, Sr. back to his homeland in Pohoiki, Puna, Hawai`i. It honors several areas near Pohoiki that have special meaning to my father and his `ohana.
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