Jessie James Mack, age 75 passed away on May 8, 2019. He is survived by his daughter Nichole Evette Mack. The 75-year-old Mack died this week after a battle with cancer. His death has hit the law enforcement community hard, leaving all who knew and loved him grief stricken.“I’m heartbroken,’’ said Homewood police Officer Kevin Batchelor. “He was one of the best officers and finest persons I’ve been blessed to have met.”“His body just finally gave up,’’ Ross said. “One of our officers was there with him at the hospital and got to talk to him before he died. He was very alert and in good spirits".
Mack, who lived in Leeds, joined the Homewood force on Dec. 1, 1974. He retired Oct. 31, 2006. In 2011, he returned to Homewood to serve as a Municipal Court bailiff and remained in that position until this week. Jessie Mack made history in 1974 when he joined the Homewood Police Department, becoming the first African-American officer to work in the predominately-white over-the-mountain area. “It wasn’t something he bragged about, or even mentioned, but I think he was quietly proud of that,’’ said Homewood Police Chief Tim Ross. “That contributed to his legendary status in our department, if not in the police community as a whole.” Mack was very involved with The Exceptional Foundation in Homewood, where he took his daughter every day.
Ross worked with Mack for 18 years, and said Mack was a veteran patrol officer when Ross got hired. “He was always somebody you revered,’’ the chief said. “It was just the way he carried himself and the respect and influence he had over all the young officers.” “I learned very quickly that he was well-known through the Birmingham area,’’ Ross said. “Whenever somebody found out where I worked, they would inevitably ask me if I knew Jessie Mack because he was so well-liked and so well-thought-of.”
Mack was known for many things, but none more than the impact he made on each new officer when they joined the force. “He was already one of the ‘old guys’ at Homewood PD when I started in ’93 and he always acted gruff toward the rookies,’’ Batchelor said, “but he was like a papa lion watching over his man cubs, teaching them how to hunt and survive and be men.” “I quickly learned to watch and listen to what he said and did, and it molded me as an officer,’’ Batchelor said. “I never told him, but he was one of my greatest mentors on the job.” “More than once he saved my rear while rolling around in a knock-down, drag-out fight,’’ Batchelor said. “Jessie was the ‘cavalry.’ Whenever I saw him show up to a situation, I knew everything was going to be alright.” Ross said Mack had a reputation for being tough on crime. “He really enjoyed catching the bad guy and seeing justice served,’’ he said, “but he also was extremely fair, kind and generous to people who needed service.”Retired Homewood police Lt. Dan Smith said Mack was one of the finest police officers he had ever know. “We all loved him like a brother and he loved us,’’ Smith said. “Whenever I went any place with him, I knew two things - we were going to get there in land-speed-record time, and I would be safe. Regardless of where we went or what we were doing, I was never worried about anything happening that he couldn’t handle. Because Jessie Mack knew how to take care of business.”
Visitation will be held at Ridout's Valley Chapel in Homewood on Saturday, May 18, 2019 beginning at 12 noon with a memorial service with police honors following at 2 pm.
“I’ll never forget his smile. I’ll never forget his sideways glance when you were telling him something he didn’t quite believe. Still smiling. I feel like he’s still smiling now,’’ Smith posted on Facebook.
“Farewell Jessie. It was the honor of a lifetime being your friend.”