Gary Grafton Fisk, most beloved husband of Barbara Ann (Brooks) Fisk, entered Eternal Life after a very long, devastating illness on May 26, 2019. Born in Hamilton, Montana to the late William James Fisk and the late Carrol Bethany (Grafton) Fisk in September 1940, Gary is survived by his wife Barbara. They were just 33 days from celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary when he went home to be with his Heavenly Father. Gary is also survived by his sister Gaye (Fisk-Bruce) Ferronato and her husband, Fred Ferronato of Menlo Park, CA. Additionally, he leaves behind his brother-in-laws, R. Brooks and William Brooks (Ginny) of Sun City, CA.
Also mourning his loss are several revered nieces and nephews: Steven Bruce (Melissa) of Menlo Park, Jeffrey Bruce (Daniel) of San Francisco, Scott Bruce (Matthew) of Cathedral City, Carole Ferguson (Jeff) of Sacramento, Dr. Jinee Brooks of Kentucky and Bobby Scrivner (Stan) of Bakersfield. Great-nephews and great-nieces whom he treasured immensely are Lauren Bruce and Jason Bruce of Menlo Park, Christopher Fiscus of Riverside and Timothy Fiscus of Erie, PA, Stacy Ryan (Ronald) of Bakersfield, as well as Great-Grand niece and nephew Ailish and Cahan Grens of Bakersfield. Godsons: Jeffrey and John Hall and Goddaughters: Kira Serrato, Kimmie McCamon, Liza Nyantekyi and Midopa Matsumoto were also cherished by Gary.
Gary spent his younger years in Montana and Colorado. His Family ultimately moved to California where he lived in Port Hueneme, Salinas, Palo Alto, and Carmel. While attending San Jose State University, he worked his way through school as a firefighter for the “then” California Department of Forestry-Fire Division, where he attained the rank of Engineer. Later, but prior to earning his B.S. degree in 1965, Nabisco, Inc. hired Gary as relief sales associate. After serving 31 years with Nabisco where he rose through the ranks from Sales Associate to Branch Manager in Seattle (WA), Alaska, Glendale (CA), and Riverside (CA), Gary retired in 1995.
During his youth, Gary participated in Boy Scouts of America, DeMolay International, car clubs, and the Presbyterian Church. Music played a huge part in his life. He relished playing his guitar and singing folk songs around campfires. He was an avid athlete involved in wrestling, short sprint racing, high school football, baseball, cycling, water-skiing, fishing, hiking, and camping.
Since Gary was twelve he always held a job. He raised and sold strawberries and chickens (meat and eggs) to neighbors, delivered newspapers, cleaned warehouses, picked and transported watermelons, served as a gas station attendant and more. He firmly believed work was good for the soul, as well as the bank account.
Being quite handy and unafraid to tackle any repair/building project, Gary enjoyed making improvements on his Menifee home and on his “little cabin in the woods,” located in San Bernardino National Forrest. He worked long and hard to put his “stamp” on the highland cottage over the past 34 years. The cabin, christened “Hoot-n-Holler Haven,” was his pride and joy!!!
Gary volunteered for four years as a Greeter and Information Specialist for the San Bernardino National Forrest Association working at the beautiful Big Bear Lake Discovery Center. He played a vital role in the annual Discovery Center Gala fundraiser as a beverage/bar attendant.
If anyone needed advice, assistance or aid Gary was always ready and willing to offer what he could. Being naturally humble, Gary never sought, nor desired public accolades for the many ways he helped others. Nothing was beneath him; he didn’t care if helping others made him dirty, achy, late, or tired. His “great” grins attested to that!
As an attendee of Grace Presbyterian Church in Temecula and, later, the Sun City United Methodist Church, Gary was an ever-present helper as a “behind-the-scenes” kind of guy. Many church dinners he assisted with setting-up, decorating, serving and cleaning-up…absolutely invaluable! Everything he did was without reservation and recognition.
There are a few people who are as honest, fair, kind, wise and generous with their time and friendship as Gary. He was part of a very special group of fellows who enjoyed getting together at McDonald’s in Sun City, CA in the mornings to discuss anything and everything. Informally, they were referred to as the “ROMEO” group: “Retired Old Men Eating Out.”
Hopefully Gary’s superb wisdom, humor, love, compassion, listening, skills, ethics, industriousness, creativity, patriotism, unselfishness, and faith in God will live on in the friends and family whose lives he touched.
A private Celebration of Life will be held.