Clara Dolores Anderson, known as “Dolores” to her community, passed away at the age of 88, on Thursday, August 25, 2022, in Hemet, California. She was born to Dennison Earl Pudney and Sadie Elizabeth (Moon) Pudney, on Saturday, August 4, 1934, in Syracuse, New York, and she was 1 of 6 children.
Dolores was married to Jerome Wendell Anderson, for 48 wonderful years, before his passing in 2007. After her retirement from being a preschool teacher for 21 years, Dolores volunteered, wholeheartedly, at the Hemet Hospital at the nursery for 31 years. She enjoyed caregiving to whom needed assistance and the love she had for the children was immeasurable. Dolores was an amazing and dedicated mother. She was blessed with three beautiful children that would later make Dolores a grandmother as well. Dolores has served as a pillar of strength for others. Her love for her family was beyond measure and she will forever be a hero to her community.
Dolores is survived by her loving children, Mark (Nancy) Anderson, Pam (Denny) Spruce; her caring grandchildren, Jillian, Noah, Skylar, Travis, Kohl, Kyle, Wren, Trenton, Grant, and Colin; and her daughter-in-law, Angel Anderson; and Craig Woll, her partner for the last 14 years. Dolores was preceded in death by her parents, Dennison and Sadie, and her loving son, David Anderson.