Audrey was born in 1930 in Asbury Park, N.D, a small town and beach city. She spent hours at the beach swimming and baking in the sun. She always said all her wrinkles came from the sun and when she looked in the mirror, she remembers what fun she had, never thinking about later in life.
She attended a small Baptist Church and Sunday School, was christened when she was a baby, and baptized when she was 10 years old.
She met Ray Ellis in 1949, when a friend introduced them. One year later they were married in her same little church. He was in the Army stationed at Fort Monouth. In 1951 she was pregnant with her first child, and Ray was transferred to Nome, Alaska his family was not allowed to go with him. Audrey stayed home with her mom and stepdad. Ray came home just in time to take her to the Army hospital and Kathleen was born. He then went back to Alaska. When Kathleen was 9 months old, the Army changed rules and she and baby went to be with him. They lived in a tiny cabin, heated with a little gas stove. Water had to be carried in and there was just enough furniture that someone had left. She said it did not matter, she was dumb, young, and in love and happy. They went back to N.J and he was discharged. They brought their first house in 1953 for $8,000 and worried if they could make the payments of $75.00 a month. Ray went back to school under the G. I bill and worked for NJ Power Co. Audrey worked at the NJ Bell Telephone.
In 1955, another baby was on the way, Karl Ray was born. She thought that was it, but 7 years later their surprise baby Barbara was born.
In 1969 Ray was transferred to Sacramento and the family moved and started a new life. The children married and went their ways. In 1987, Ray retired. They moved to Sun City and enjoyed their retirement. Ray passed in 1999.
Audrey joined the Methodist Church in Sin City in 1991. She made many friends. In 2001, she met Charles Blackwell at church and Pastor Chuck Dobbs married them. Chuck passed in 2005.
She was a charter member of the Menifee Valley Women's Club. She won several first place awards from De Anza District for her poetry. She is published in The National Library of Poetry and won a second place award in 1994 from Beta Sigma Phi International. She had a book of poetry published in 2002. Audrey was active in the United M