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James Marvin and Nellie Connell HansonParents (deceased)

Sheldon CruseGreat Grandchild (deceased)

Frances Dawson HansonFirst wife (deceased)

Loretta Palmer HansonWife

Lisa Haas and husband LarryDaughter

Kim Flahive and husband JimDaughter

Wayne Hanson, Jr. and wife AndreaSon

Joe Belton Hanson and wife SarahBrother

Sheree WattsStep-daughter

And grandchildren, Joseph, William, Andrew, Palmer, Sean, Shelby, Tina and Kristi; great grandsons; Tyler, Matthew and Jaxon; great-great granddaughter, Wynter and nephews, Scott and Mark.


Joseph Hanson

William Hanson

Andrew Hanson

Tyler Strickland

Scott Hanson

Mark Hanson

Matthew HigginsHonorary Pallbearer

Sean FlahiveHonorary Pallbearer

Jaxon SmithHonorary Pallbearer

Past Services

Tuesday,July 30, 2019


Tuesday,July 30, 2019

Celebration of Life