'Toots' has worn many hats over the years, including 'Big Brother,' the oldest of seven children born to Joe and Juanita Avila, 'Husband' to Cece Hawkins Avila, 'Dad' to Nannette, Tony and Jimmy Avila, 'Husband' to Sheilah Skaggs Avila, 'Dad' to Christi and Jay Skaggs, 'Papa' to 17 grandchildren and 29 great-grandchildren, 'Coach' to SO MANY, 'Uncle,' 'Cousin,' 'Golf Partner,' 'Friend,' 'Agent' . . .
Joe loved a gathering with family and friends, so please join us in a celebration of his life that touched so many others. Monday, August 6, 2018 @ 6:00 p.m. Kings Fairgrounds Grape Room.