Show your support


Darlene LaffertyWife

Dana Brenner and husband, ScottDaughter

Savannah Rose BrennerGranddaughter

Aiden John BrennerGrandson

Judy Audet and husband, GeorgeSister

Maxine WhittakerAunt

Florence KielbAunt

Kim AudetNiece

Danielle AudetNiece

Steven Audet and wife, ShellyNephew

Lester LaffertyFather (deceased)

Gertrude Chapman LaffertyMother (deceased)

Marcella ChapmanAunt (deceased)

Hazel OlsenAunt (deceased)

Orville ChapmanAunt (deceased)

Willy ChapmanAunt (deceased)


the Peninsula SPCA

Past Services

Wednesday,January 23, 2019

Celebration of Life Service