Henry RobersonSpouse (deceased)

Elbert TysonFather (deceased)

Mary Ella KissellMother (deceased)

Otis TysonBrother (deceased)

J.W. TysonBrother (deceased)

Albert TysonBrother (deceased)

Elva HillSister (deceased)

Violet KempSister (deceased)

Francis KellerSister (deceased)

Carolyn BalzenDaughter

Mary RobersonDaughter (deceased)

Deanna Johnston (Joshua Johnston)Daughter

Danitta Witty (Justin Witty)Granddaughter

Karie Griffin ((late) Keith Griffin)Granddaughter

Randy Wheeler (Peggy Williams)Grandson

Melissa WynneGranddaughter

Kenneth Wayne BalzenGrandson

Jason Balzen (Sarah Balzen)Grandson

April Kunkel (Kasey Kunkel)Granddaughter

Calvin JohnstonGrandson

Weston JohnstonGrandson

In addition she has many surviving nieces and nephews.


Kenneth Wayne BalzenActive

Blake BalzenActive

Justin WittyActive

Luke WittyActive

Randy WheelerActive

Joshua JohnstonActive


Rose Roberson Memorial Scholarship % St Joseph Catholic School, 600 S Coulter Dr., Bryan, Texas 77803

Charity of your choice supporting children

Past Services

Monday,December 11, 2023

Visitation Service

Monday,December 11, 2023

Graveside Service