Lansden leaves behind his beloved companion, Malorie Perkins; his father and stepmother, Arlan and Kimberly Hewett of Hamilton, TX; his mother and stepfather, Sylvia Hewett and Thomas Schneider of Crossville, TN; and his grandmothers, Iris Hewett of Moriarty, NM and Myra Sherrill of Clovis, NM.
He was loved by his siblings, Matthew Hewett and Kate, of Amarillo, TX; Adam Hewett of Springfield, MO; Stephen Hewett of Stephenville, TX; Charlotte Hillmann and Matt of Nampa, ID; Jessica DeWitt and Tanner of Waco, TX; and Kieth Weber and Makenzie of Rexburg, ID; his uncles Marc Hewett of Edgewood, NM; Lelan Hewett and Gail of Mountainair, NM, and aunt Gloria Olp of Clovis, NM.
He is survived by his children, Ezra Hewett and mother Cynthia Gonzalez of Farmington, NM; and James Hewett and Rachel Hewett and mother Christina Cooper of Elko, NV; his nieces, Kylee Hewett and Elizabeth of Fort Collins, CO; Zoee Hewett and Rainee Hewett of Amarillo, TX; Ella Hillmann of Nampa, ID; Charlotte DeWitt and Quinn DeWitt of Waco, TX, as well as numerous great-aunts, great-uncles, and cousins.
Then there are his many friends, spanning the last three decades and most of New Mexico. With so many people loving him and shaping his life, it's no wonder Lansden's primary loves were Malorie, family, and friends, followed closely by food. When he discovered a talent for cooking, he looked for every opportunity to try new recipes, new spices, and new culinary combinations.
Besides dazzling in the kitchen, his other pastimes and passions included reading, music, and games — board and video. Few were willing to accept his challenge at the chess board, and he treasured sharing his love of Goosebumps books and video games with Ezra. He attended several music festivals over the years, and had a memorable experience at the Grand Ole Opry.
Lansden had a deep, abiding faith and a strong personal testimony, and his huge smile confirmed his positive attitude. Every conversation included "I love you," and at least one expression of gratitude. As a child, he attended the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and was baptized. With this foundation we are comforted by Christ's unending love and His amazing grace. He later attended worship at St Paul's Episcopal Church in Artesia, NM — when he received communion for the first time there he commented — loudly — "That wine is SPICY!" He also enjoyed the fellowship of Dorton United Methodist Church when visiting Tennessee.
His grandfathers, Bill Hewett and James Lansden Sherrill, passed before him and he is now reunited with them in Heavenly Father's glory. His spirit lives on in the hearts of those who love him, and whom he loved.
Lansden will be laid to rest in the Hewett Family Cemetery in Mountainair, NM.