The heartbroken family of Peter Kocsis announces his passing in his 84th year at the Juravinski Hospital on August 10, 2014. Peter was the beloved husband of Wanda (Piascik) and the loving father of Paul (Loretta) and Nancy (Gary Siwak). His grandchildren, Michael, Nathan (fiancé Jennifer McKenna), Tamara, and Cathrine Siwak and Paula, Patrick and Daniel Kocsis were so fortunate to have him as their "Papa". They were the lights of his life and he was their greatest fan and most ardent supporter. Peter was the brother of Steve, Helen, Agnes, Hogie (all predeceased), Eva, Elizabeth and his special angel Kathy Nagy. He was a Firestone retiree, a loyal Leafs fan, and a proud Hungarian. The family would like to thank the caring staff of Ward C4. A Funeral Mass will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, August 18, 2014 at Corpus Christi Church (the family will receive friends at the church beginning at 9:45 a.m.). In memory of Peter, donations to the charity of your choice would be greatly appreciated. Online condolences can be made at .