Our beloved father, Fred Chew Sen Lee, passed away peacefully in Toronto at the age of 91. He was preceded in death by his wife Miranda Chor Han Lee in 2022 and their son Edmund in 1966.
He was born in Long Tow, Hoi Ping, Guangdong Province, China in 1931 on the fifth day of the fifth month by the lunar calendar (June 20 in the Western calendar) to James and Hoi Lee. Fred and his mother emigrated to Canada in 1950 to reunite with his father who had emigrated in 1916 and was living and working in Halifax. After graduating from Queen Elizabeth High School in 1951, Fred furthered his studies at Dalhousie University (B.Sc) and the Nova Scotia Technical College (B.E. Civil 1959).
After his graduation in 1959, Fred went to work for the Nova Scotia Department of Highways as Traffic Studies Engineer. From 1962-1963, the Nova Scotia Department of Highways funded his postgraduate study in Traffic Engineering at Yale University. He returned to Nova Scotia and was later appointed Director of Traffic Engineering and Provincial Traffic Authority. A beloved and respected colleague, Fred retired in 1989.
Fred met the love of his life when his cousin Arthur Lee and Arthur’s fiancée Linda set up a pen pal correspondence with her best friend Miranda Lee, a nurse in Hong Kong. The overseas love affair of over 70 letters led to their marriage in 1957 in Hong Kong. They were married for almost 65 years.
Fred was a significant member and leader of the Chinese community in Halifax, helping many new immigrants and, with Miranda, housed many Chinese international students over many decades. They introduced and shared to the community their love of ballroom dancing. While not a great cook himself, Fred loved running restaurants. He was one of the original owners of Chinatown and King’s Palace in Halifax, both landmark restaurants of their times. Fred was President of the Chinese Association of Nova Scotia (2004-2005) and an executive member for many years. He has been an active member of the Chinese Benevolent Association of Nova Scotia for many years.
Fred had a friendly and outgoing personality. He loved helping people, greeting people at his restaurants, chatting with his friends and acquaintances. Everywhere he went, he ran into someone he knew. He will always be remembered for his generosity and warm smile.
He leaves behind his sister, Hui Lan Li, his children Bonny (Bruce Brown), Susan (Mark Duggan), Cyndy (Ian Symons), Wayne, and JJ (James Ogden), and grandchildren Ariana Lee-Brown, Esme Symons, Arlo Symons and Mei Ogden.
The memorial service will be held at Cruikshank’s Funeral Home, 2666 Windsor Street Halifax NS Friday July 14th at 11 am livestream link: https://vimeo.com/event/3545137. Visitation will be Thursday, July 13 from 6-8pm. All friends and family are welcome.
The family asks that donations to The Chinese Benevolent Association of Nova Scotia be made instead of flowers or other gifts.
新斯高沙省中華會館、拿省華人協會沉痛公告,哈法華人社區的老朋友、老華僑和資深會員李潮銓Fred Chew Sen Lee先生於2023年6月20日在多倫多安祥仙逝,享年91歲。
李老先生於1931年6月20日生於廣東開平,1950年18歲時隨母移民至哈里法克斯與父親團聚。先後在戴爾豪斯大學、新省科技學院學習,畢業後入職新省高速公路管理局任見習工程師。由於工作表現突出,被省政府推薦到全球著名學府美國耶魯大學繼續深造交通工程。學成後回到新省公路管理局 Department of Highway of Nova Scotia, 先後被任命為Director of Traffic Engineering 和Provincial Traffic Authority,直至1989年退休。在政府任職期間,李老先生與政府不同部門緊密合作,與社會各階層人士廣泛溝通,他是新省有史以來職位最高的華人工程師。
李老先生的出殯儀式將於7月14日禮拜五上午11時在Cruikshank’s Funeral Home舉行,地址:2666 Windsor Street Halifax NS (相關信息請鏈接: https://vimeo.com/event/3545137.