With Walter's death we have lost the most adoring, kind, generous, husband, father, brother and brother-in-law, grandfather, uncle and great uncle, cousin, and friend, and the world has lost a mensch. A career as a textiles executive was followed by years of volunteer service: temple president, Hackensack University Medical Center; Holy Name Medical Center for 15 years, many as a patient rep; proud member of the Teaneck Auxiliary Police, where he was dubbed the "admiral"; a tutor to first graders. He made friends wherever he went, and was a second father to generations of children. Everyone was treated with respect, and all remember his incredible sense of humor. He was self-effacing and modest, and could not have imagined the influence he had on so many, as evidenced by the incredible outpouring of memories and love.
Donations in Walter's memory may be made to Temple Emeth (Temple Emeth Fund), 1666 Windsor Road, Teaneck NJ 07666, or Tomorrows Children's Fund - https://www.tcfkid.org/ or Tomorrows Children’s Fund, 30 Prospect Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601.